Chapter one: My boy

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"You're still coming over tonight, right?"

"Yes, my love i just gotta run a few errands after work and then I'll be there." I smiled at the phone. i was currently face timing my longtime boyfriend. we've been dating for about two years although it's been a rough patch for the both of us due to the occasional arguing. But that's what every couple goes through right?

"Okay, well i'll be here don't take forever though i'm getting kind of tired might wanna turn in a little early." i chose to hide the disappointment in my face.

"I'll try i'll talk to you later." we said our goodbyes and i clocked out of work making my way towards the entrance of the coffee shop i worked at giving my goodbyes to my coworkers.

my phone buzzed once again in my hand, i furrowed my eyebrows holding it up revealing the caller ID on the screen.


"What's up eilish?" i smiled widely into the phone. i could hear a faint sound of her car's engine being revved up in the background.

"Hey mamas whatcha doin?"

"Just got off work i'm about to run some errands before heading to jayce's house why what's up?" i asked opening the driver's side door to my car and getting in discarding my bag on the seat next to me.

"Aw I was about to see if you wanted to go with me to run some errands." she laughed but I sensed a bit of disappointment in her voice. She never really had a good feeling about Jayce, she's told me before, but she does her best to tolerate him when we're all together. other than that, she basically despises the man. And as for jayce it's vice versa. Billie could be a little touchy flirty sometimes especially when it comes to me. Jayce does not like that which i completely understand i mean i am his girlfriend. But Billie and i have been friends for all our lives. everything we did was completely and utterly platonic.

"I'm sorry honey you know if i didn't have these prior plans you know i'd be there right there with you."

"It's good Babygirl. hey Zoe and i are planning on having a movie night tomorrow mind if i make reservations with you unless prince charming already booked you." she chuckled half joking.

"hmm i'd have to have my assistant get back to you on that." i joked back.

"Well have your 'assistant' get back to me asap."

"will do sweetface." i smiled starting to pull out of the parking lot putting my phone on speaker before driving away from the building. "i love you drive safe, ill talk to you later." i rolled my windows down to feel the cold autumn air on my face.

"You too baby girl i love you." we said our goodbyes.

after running to the store to pick up some snacks i made my way to my apartment to grab some overnight clothes since i was planning on staying the night over at Jayce's. after unlocking the door to my home i was immediately met with my four legged baby Clementine. she was a rat-terrier whom i adopted at the local animal shelter. named after my favorite character from the tell tales walking dead video game series. Billie actually brought me to the shelter and even helped me pick her out i instantly fell in love with her.

"Hi baby!" i said happily picking her up giving her some pets and kisses on top of her head. quickly i grabbed my overnight bag stuffing a couple of clothes inside running around my room making sure to put my essentials in the bag. i heard my phone ping on the bed next to my bag. seeing i had a message from jayce i opened it immediately.

My love

how much longer? getting a little sleepy here.

i huffed at the message.

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