Chapter two: goldwing

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I awoke the next morning the bright morning sun shining through the curtains. switching to lay on my back i noticed jay still sleeping. i sighed checking my phone to see what time it was.

6:25 am

i groaned eternally dropping my phone on my stomach running my hands down my face. i then remembered it was almost clementine's feeding time.

"jay. Jay wake up!" i whisper yelled nudging him a little but he didn't budge. he was always a heavy sleeper. i shook my head giving up after a little deciding to just message him later. i made my way to the bathroom grabbing my bag that was next to the bathroom door getting ready for the day.

when i came out jayce was already sitting up in bed i assume checking the time.
"Where are you going so early?" he asked his voice groggy.

"I have to feed clementine it's almost her breakfast time."

"Are you coming back here?"

"Uhhh i can't billie asked if i can come over for breakfast so i'm headed there after i'm done." he rolled his eyes giving me a face.

"We already made plans jay. please don't start with me."

"Yeah you're at her beckoning call whenever she pleases. i swear it's like you're her pet" i scoffed at his remark.

"Jayce. Don't."

"I'm just saying lately it's been billie this and billie that i mean damn when do i get to spend time with you?"

"Okay now you're talking out of your ass jayce we literally spent time together this whole week this my first time seeing her after so long." i argued starting to gather my things. i wanted to hurry and leave before things got worse.

"And that's a bad thing? Halley I'm your boyfriend. she's not." i shook my head.

"Jayce i understand that, ok? you act like i'm putting her before you i literally turned her down this whole week because me and you were spending time together. i don't want to keep doing that to her."

"So? that's how it should be?" he said with a sarcastic tone.

"you know what i'm not gonna sit here and argue with you jayce. just text me when you're in a better mood." reaching to grab my phone on the bed next to jayce,my phone lit up indicating i had an incoming message.

"of course, run to your master little pet." i rolled my eyes snatching my phone walking out of the house. i decided i was gonna check my phone later i just wanted to make it home and far away from here.

After feeding clementine i really didn't really want to leave her here alone again, i messaged billie to see if it was okay if i brought her over, i knew she wouldn't mind but i always liked to ask first. i remembered about that message from earlier at jay's house.


hey hayles billie said you were coming over tonight for our movie night i'm at the store rn is there anything in particular you want for tonight?

i cursed under my breath quickly typing out a message. hoping it wasn't too late although it was only 30 minutes since she texted me.

hey Zo i'm so sorry i just got your message i'll take some strawberry Twizzlers and some peanut MnM's if you're still there.

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