chapter sixteen:I could change your life.

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"I'm coming with you." I said hastily grabbing my shoes.

"No! just stay here you'll be safer." Without giving me a chance to respond she grabbed her keys before going out the door I followed close behind anyway.

"Halley, I swear to God-" she turned to me.

"Billie, we don't have time to argue just get in the car." She sighed harshly unlocked the car we both jumped in before Billie drove off.

Billie's Pov

We arrived at the house instantly met with red and blue flashing lights.

"Stay in the car." I said before getting out running towards the house.

"Excuse me ma'am you can't be here this is an active crime scene." The policeman stopped me before I could enter the front gate.

"My name's Billie O'Connell, I'm the one who called. this is my house." he looked me over before lifting the caution tape.

"Right his way."

"There wasn't a forced entry, so we believe the sliding glass door was how he entered the house since it was assumingly unlocked."  The policemen walked me into the house my eyes scanned the entire place. It was completely trashed.

"We've looked around for fingerprints but unfortunately couldn't find any. We did however find this." He said showing me a crumpled white piece of paper secured in a Ziplock bag with random sentences scribbled all over. I was able to make out two things that really jumped out at me.

"Always watching."

"Never alone."

"Fuck." I said under my breath brows furrowing in confusion.

"The perp unfortunately was gone by the time we got here. I did notice you had cameras do you by any chance have any video surveillance you can show us?"

"Uh yeah." I pulled out my phone showing him the prerecorded video of the man walking about in our house."

"Okay I'm gonna give you my email so you can send that to me for further investigation."

" Billie?" A soft scared voice called from behind me. I turned to see Halley walking towards us carefully maneuvering around the mess of broken glass scattered papers and such.

"Baby I told you to stay in the car." I said disappointingly. 

"Was this- Jayce?" her voice trembled.

"I'm sorry who?" The police officer said.

"Jayce, Jayce Matthews, He's been sending my girlfriend and now my brother threatening letters, it's been going on for some time now."

"And you haven't filed a report?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Well yeah we did but they just told us to get a restraining order." He nodded.

"Do you by any chance have those letters?" I shook my head. "they're at my brothers."

"Okay I just need to ask a couple of questions for you, and we'll look further into this." He pulled out his notepad and began asking me endless questions.

"Okay miss O'Connell that's all I have to ask, just be sure to bring those letters down to the station tomorrow and like I said we'll look further into it. be sure to lock up." He said before leaving, I closed the door behind him leaning my head against the door closing my eyes.

"I'm uh, I'm gonna clean this up." Halley said quietly. I turned my back against the door running my hands down my face. Hearing the glass being swept into the dustpan along with soft cries coming from Halley.

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