Chapter fifteen: I waited on the corner.

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"Come on baby get your cute ass up! It's your last day!" Billie said in a loud tone with multiple smacks to my ass. She's been at this whole trying to get me up thing for about 10 minutes now, but I was not budging.

I groaned shoving my head under the pillow as an attempt to drown her out. She wasn't having it though, so she ripped the pillow out from my grip, which caused me to grab the one next to me (hers) putting that one over my head, to which she so graciously ripped that one away from me too.

"Halley Grace Carson, get your ass up!" She said loudly throwing the blankets off me getting a grip on my ankles dragging me down to her. I tried grabbing on to something but to no avail. she was successful in dragging me to basically the edge of the bed turning me over on my back with my legs dangling. she the leaned over me her face close to mine, that huge smile plastered on her face.

"Hiya." She said cheerfully. I groaned once again.

"Billie." I whined.
"Halley." She mocked a fake pout displayed on her face.

"Come on it's your last day at work it's also a free weekend for me, so we're gonna get you dressed, take you to work and I have a lot planned for us today." she tapped my hip leaving her current position from on top of me.

I then took the opportunity to curl up on the edge of the bed closing my eyes briefly before...

"Get up Halley!" she shouted down from the hallway. Damn does she have eyes everywhere?

I gave out a guttural moan finally getting up to get ready.


"See that wasn't so hard was it?" Billie said with a mocking grin twirling the keyring around her finger. 

I gave her a death glare as I pinned my nametag to my shirt.

"Actually, yes it was, now take me to go get a coffee." I brushed past her to head out the front door.

"Wha- you literally work at a coffee shop." She laughed following me out the door.

"Yeah, but I want a different type of coffee and you're paying!" I shouted standing by the passenger's side door my arms crossed. She came over to my side unlocking the door keeping her hand on the doorhandle. 

"Of course, my love, anything for you." She said lowly kissing me. My knees felt weak to say the least. she then opened the car door for me as I slipped in.

"Sucker." I muttered quietly.

"I heard that." She said pinching my thigh before closing the door. I laughed rubbing the now throbbing spot.

After she so generously paid for my coffee, we were en route to the coffee shop. The two weeks came and went pretty fast which I was kind of sad but kind of relieved about. I mean that's one less place where he could get to me right?

I am gonna miss all of them though.

"Come on baby girl I'll walk you inside."

"Oh." I said confused usually she waits in the car till I'm inside and then heads to work. But she did say she had the weekend off. I thought nothing more of it.

We walked hand in hand inside the shop only to be screamed at and confetti thrown at us.

"We'll miss you, Halley!" My coworkers screamed in unison. I laughed surprised looking around balloons and a giant sign that said, 'we'll miss you!' written across it was hung up on the shop.

"You guys." I said my voice breaking as I teared up.

"Mi amor was the one that came up with the idea." benny said his arm slung over Cameron's shoulder. so.fucking.cute. 

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