Chapter seventeen: Everybody dies.

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A/N mentions of:
Suicide and D/V.

Please do not proceed reading if you do not feel comfortable doing so.

On with the story


"Finneas, you need to drive faster man!" I was basically jumping in my seat full of anxiety.

"Billie, I understand you're scared but I'm pushing 80 in a 40, okay? We'd be of no use to Halley if we get pulled over.

"I don't fucking care! at least they'll follow us to the house to get to Halley faster!" We then turned onto the street that led us to Fin's house there was already tons of policemen out there Claudia was out in the driveway talking to one of them.

I jumped out not even waiting for the car to stop I ran up the driveway.

"Billie I'm so sorry." she sobbed her face stained with tears.

"Where is she?" I demanded mainly towards the officer.

"We believe the perp might've taken her there's no sign on her anywhere in the house but there are signs of a struggle."

"Fuck man!" I yelled out covering my face in frustration turning around then turning back to the officer.

"So, what the fuck are you guys doing here you need to get your ass out there and find my girlfriend motherfucker!" I screamed.

"ma'am I need you to calm down before I have to take you in." He said reaching for his cuffs on his holster.

"Fuck that! You need to fucking find her-" 

"Billie that's enough come on." Finneas said pulling me away. 

"He's gonna fucking kill her Finneas we have to do something!" I was desperate at this point I was on the verge of losing the love of my life. And there wasn't shit I could do about it.

"we'll find her, okay?"

"No Finneas you don't understand!" I cried.

After a few minutes, a man dressed in a suit approached Finneas and me.

"Miss.O'connel?" My eyes snapped up at him glaring.

"Detective Rodriguez." He started holding his hand out for me to shake but I just turned my head. I heard him clear his throat.

"I'm so sorry about your uh girlfriend but I can assure you we are doing everything we can to find her safe and alive."

"Then why aren't any of your men out there looking for her?" I gritted through my teeth still avoiding his gaze.

"We have units patrolling around looking for the vehicle and suspect matching the description Miss. Sulewski provided to us. We've put out an APB and a missing persons alert. I actually have a few questions for you if I may."

"I don't care." I mumbled.

"Do you have any ideas as to where he might've taken her? anywhere that you're familiar with?" I shrugged thinking.

"I don't know he could've taken her anywhere."

"Is there a specific place maybe his house? or something do you have an address for us i could have a couple of units patrolling down that way." He pulled out his notepad and a pen ready to write down the address I provided for him.

"Okay I'll have them head that way and keep a sharp eye out. Don't worry Miss. O'Connell we're doing everything we can to bring her home."

Halley's Pov.

I awoke gagged and bound in the back of a car, I didn't know where I was or where we were going. I looked around panicked my heart instantly stops once my eyes landed on him.

"No." My voice mumbled into the gag that was tied around my mouth. His eyes met mine giving me the evilest smirk.

"Ah you're awake finally."  I glared at him through the review mirror. No matter how scared shitless I am I refuse to show him any fear.

"Awe come on Halley don't be like that. You know you missed me." he chuckles. I mumble something into my gag.

"What was that sweetheart? I couldn't hear you." He laughed mockingly.

"You really thought I was going to let you go that easy? No, no, what's mine is mine and I intend on keeping it."

We pulled up to a familiar home, my previous prison.

I was back at his house.

He got out of the car coming to my side and opening the door he grabbed me by the collar yanking me to him face inches from mine.

"Now, I'm going to take the gag and restraints off but if you so much as scream, I'll kill you right here and dump your body some place in a ditch where no one could find you. do you understand?" His eyes hardened it was as if he was staring right into my soul.

I nodded slowly. he then removed the gag from my mouth and untying the bound from my wrists.

I winced rubbing my wrists as they left a bright red mark on them. he then gripped my arm hard taking me out of the car and into the house locking the door behind him.

"Home sweet home right Halley?" he wrapped his arms around me from behind running his hands all over my body groping my breast harshly I shut my eyes tight afraid to say anything.

"God, I missed this body of yours, you have no idea how many sleepless nights I've had wishing I could just touch you." He palmed my core. "All. fucking. night."

I needed to come up with a way out of here and fast.

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