Chapter 5: Maya

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Flames leapt skyward, painting the night with their furious glow as the house that held so many memories burned before my eyes.

 The heat pressed against my skin, a  reminder of the urgency of our mission. Ready for their orders, two of my students flanked me, their faces set with determination.

Pulling on my fire-resistant jacket and securing my oxygen mask in place, I turned to Ollie and Max. "This is just like what you trained for," I reminded them, my voice muffled by the mask.

They nodded in unison.

Approaching the front door, I placed the back of my hand against it, bracing myself for what was on the other side. The sound of a child's cries reached my ears, sending a shiver down my spine. I knew that cry was from Charlie. I knew my family was in there.

I wanted so desperately to barge in and save them all, but I couldn't compromise everyone's safety by letting my emotions get the best of me.

"Ollie, you take the kid and bring him out here. Start the hose the moment you're out," I instructed, my heart heavy with the weight of responsibility.

"Got it," Ollie responded, his voice steady despite the urgency of the situation.

"Max, you search the first floor, I'll take the second," I continued, knowing that Max would follow orders without hesitation.

With a swift motion, I yanked the door open, the rush of heat hitting me like a physical force. Inside stood Charlie, his tear-streaked face a heartbreaking sight.

"Get him!" I urged, my voice cutting through the chaos as Ollie scooped the boy into his arms and carried him back outside.

As Ollie disappeared into the night with Charlie, I motioned for Max to begin searching the first floor for survivors. He moved with purpose, disappearing into the smoke-filled interior.

Turning my attention to the stairs, I began my ascent, the flames licking at my heels but held at bay by the protective layers of my suit. Each step brought me closer to the unknown, my mind racing with questions and fears of what I might find.

Reaching the top of the stairs, I strained to hear over the roar of the fire. And then, amidst the chaos, a voice cut through the darkness.

"Help me!" it cried, the urgency in its tone creating a skip of my heart.

Lillian and Cassius. They were somewhere in the inferno, waiting for rescue. With determination fueling my every step, I pushed forward, ready to face whatever lay ahead in the flames.

As I made my way down the hallway, each step felt like walking through a furnace. Flames melted the paint off the walls, devouring everything in their path, while the air shimmered with heat. 

The once-cozy family home was now a nightmare of fire and destruction.

"Stand back!" I shouted, my voice barely audible over the roar of the flames. With a deep breath, I braced myself and launched my shoulder against the door, the impact reverberating through my body. The door resisted, stubbornly holding fast against my efforts.

Ignoring the pain in my knee, I retreated a few steps, gathering my resolve for another attempt. With a running start, I crashed into the door once more, this time with enough force to splinter it in half. 

As I burst through the doorway, a sharp hiss filled the air, signaling the rupture of the oxygen tube connecting my suit to my mask. Panic surged through me as I felt the precious air begin to seep away. I had fucked myself because I panicked and now only had a few minutes before smoke filled my oxygen mask.

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