Chapter 25: Scarlett

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As soon as we boarded the ferry, Scarlett decided to book a room to rest in. I couldn't blame her; the past few days had been exhausting for all of us. Alexii insisted on standing guard right outside her door. His presence, while reassuring, was also a constant reminder of the danger that shadowed us.

"Get some rest," he said to Scarlett firmly as she closed the door behind her. I watched him take his position, ever the vigilant protector, and then turned to Charlotte and Kyle. We decided to head to the diner onboard for lunch. Maybe some food and lighthearted conversation would lift the tension.

The diner, however, felt off as soon as we entered. The usual bustle of ferry passengers was absent, and the room was nearly empty. The few waiters present whispered to each other, casting furtive glances around the room.

Charlotte and Kyle quickly fell into a lively conversation, their chemistry evident. Charlotte's bubbly personality was infectious, and Kyle's easygoing nature complemented her perfectly.

"So, Kyle," Charlotte said with a playful grin, "what's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you on a mission?"

Kyle laughed, shaking his head. "Oh, that's a tough one. There was this one time in Brazil... let's just say I learned the hard way not to underestimate how fast a capybara can run."

Charlotte giggled, leaning in closer. "You're kidding! A capybara?!"

I smiled at their banter but couldn't shake the uneasy feeling in my stomach. I scanned the diner, noting the odd behavior of the staff and the lack of other passengers. It was as if the ferry was operating under some sort of eerie, silent protocol.

"Hey, guys," I interrupted, my voice low. "Doesn't something feel off to you? Where is everyone?"

Charlotte and Kyle paused, their laughter fading as they looked around. "Now that you mention it," Kyle said, frowning, "it is kind of strange. You'd expect more people on a ferry this size."

Charlotte's eyes widened slightly. "Yeah, and why are the waiters whispering like they're afraid to be heard?"

My unease deepened. "We need to stay alert. This doesn't feel right."

We exchanged wary glances, our lighthearted mood replaced with a shared sense of caution. We finished our lunch quickly, keeping our eyes and ears open for any signs of trouble. The quiet, almost conspiratorial atmosphere of the ferry was unsettling, and I knew we couldn't afford to let our guard down.

As we made our way back to Scarlett's room, the eerie silence on the ferry became even more oppressive. Every creak and groan of the ship seemed amplified, setting my nerves on edge. Charlotte and Kyle walked close beside me, their earlier joviality replaced with wary alertness. I glanced at Alexii, standing vigilantly outside Scarlett's door, and felt a small measure of relief knowing he was there.

Suddenly, a group of men dressed as waiters stepped into our path. Before we could react, they flashed their badges—United States Homeland Security.

"Hold it right there," one of them commanded, his voice sharp and authoritative. "We've been tasked with capturing the Princess of Vastoria. She poses a threat to the safety of the United States."

My heart skipped a beat, but I didn't let my surprise show. Instead, I plastered a smirk on my face and crossed my arms. "All this show and dress-up just to get one princess is a little ridiculous, isn't it?"

Kyle immediately moved to protect Charlotte, lifting her effortlessly and tucking her under the drink bar. She gave a small yelp of surprise but quickly ducked out of sight. Kyle then rejoined me, his expression set and determined.

Scarlett, the Found OneWhere stories live. Discover now