Chapter 51: Maya

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I pulled out the magic book from my bag, bracing myself for the nonstop whining that was bound to start as soon as I opened it. Sure enough, the moment I cracked it open, a tiny, indignant voice with a British accent began scolding me.

"Well, it's about time you remembered I exist! Neglected like an old pair of socks, I am!"

I couldn't help but laugh and slam the book shut comically. Slowly, I opened it again, and the voice huffed, "Now, what do you want?"

"I want to learn more techniques from you," I said, trying to keep a straight face.

The book snorted. "When Lillian owned me, she talked to me every day. We had a bond, a rapport! The stronger our relationship, the stronger your abilities will be. But you can't neglect me."

"You're so sassy," I said with a smirk, "and kind of gay."

"Well, it takes one to know one, darling," the book shot back with a sassy comment, making me chuckle.

"Alright, alright. I'm sorry, okay? I've been busy trying not to die," I said, trying to appease the book.

The book sighed dramatically. "Fine, I suppose I can understand that. But you must make an effort, Maya. Power comes with dedication, and right now, your dedication is... lacking."

I nodded, feeling a bit guilty. "I get it. I'll try harder. So, what can you teach me today?"

The book hummed thoughtfully. "Well, since you're showing a bit of remorse, I suppose I can share a few more techniques. Let's start with something simple but effective..."

Despite its sass, the book was right. I needed to build a stronger bond with it to harness my full potential. And if that meant listening to its endless complaints, so be it.

The book instructed, "Now, Maya, create the shape of a dolphin with your hands."

I stared at my fingers, trying to figure out how to bend them in the awkward way the book described, especially while they were still bandaged. After some fumbling and twisting, I managed to get them into a shape that vaguely resembled a dolphin.

"Perfect," the book said. "Now, have you noticed how long the effects of your abilities last?"

I shrugged. "Honestly, no. I usually feel the effects until I'm knocked out or can't feel anything anymore."

The book sighed. "That's because you're too weak to feel the effects for long."

I bristled at that. "I'm not weak! I work out every day and I'm pretty much a trained assassin."

"Quiet down," the book retorted. "You may be physically strong, but you are mentally weak."

I blinked, feeling a bit insulted. "Are you calling me stupid?"

The book replied sassily, "If the shoe fits... But no, intelligence has nothing to do with it. You lack focus, Maya."

"Focus?" I echoed, feeling a bit defensive.

"Yes, focus. Your mind is scattered, always darting from one thing to the next. You need to learn to concentrate your energy and attention on a single task. That is where your true strength will come from."

I frowned, thinking about what the book said. "So, how do I get better at focusing?"

"Practice," the book replied. "Just like with physical training, mental training requires dedication and effort. Start by meditating for a few minutes each day, focusing on your breath and clearing your mind. Gradually increase the time and challenge yourself with more complex tasks."

I nodded slowly, realizing that the book had a point. "Alright, I'll give it a try."

"Good," the book said, its tone a bit softer. "Now, let's continue with the dolphin technique. Remember, practice and focus are key."

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