Chapter 34: Scarlett

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Cuddled in Alexii's bed, I felt the warmth of his arms around me, his sculpted chest rising and falling beneath the back of my head. It was a rare moment of peace amidst the chaos. We shared lighthearted teasing, laughing softly about our scandalous relationship and how we were keeping it hidden from the others.

"We're not dating," I clarified, turning my head slightly to look up at him. "But we'll figure out the logistics once we get back to Vastoria."

Alexii chuckled, his fingers gently tracing patterns on my arm. "Fair enough."

Curiosity got the better of me, and I asked, "Who appointed you as my personal bodyguard, anyway?"

His expression shifted slightly, a touch more serious. "Your mother personally appointed me. I was the top of my class back in Vastoria."

The mention of my mother brought a sudden tension into the room. I felt a knot form in my stomach. "I don't really know how to feel about my parents," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. "I love them, but I don't remember ever being close to them. It's like... they're strangers to me."

Alexii's hand stilled on my arm, his touch comforting. "I know what that's like."

"I don't even feel that sad about my father's illness," I continued, the words spilling out as if they'd been bottled up for too long. "I hope things will work out for all of us in the end, but I'm scared. What if I have to inherit the kingdom of Vastoria after the king dies? I don't know if I'm ready for that."

He tightened his embrace, his presence grounding me. "You don't have to be ready now. Just take things one day at a time. You don't even know his condition yet."

I sighed, feeling a mix of relief and anxiety. "I just wish I could remember more, you know? Maybe then I'd understand them better, understand what they want from me."

Alexii kissed the top of my head, a gesture so tender it almost made me tear up. "We'll figure it out, Princess."

I excused myself to meet Amanda in the gardens, but not before Alexii playfully slapped my butt as I put my clothes back on. I rolled my eyes at him, feeling a mix of amusement and affection, before leaving his room and making my way outside.

The night air was dewy and cool as I walked to the gardens where Amanda was already waiting, sitting gracefully in the grass in her gown. She motioned for me to sit across from her, and as I did, I noticed the exact tree where Alexii and I had been intimate earlier. A small chuckle escaped me, the memory still fresh and amusing.

Amanda plucked a glowing blue flower from the grass, holding it delicately in both hands. "Tonight, I want you to focus on levitating this flower rather than crushing it," she explained. "There's a reverse energy aspect to this trick compared to crushing the can."

I nodded, understanding the challenge. I took a deep breath and focused on the flower and its delicate petals. Instead of channeling pain and fear, I concentrated on the euphoric feelings I had experienced while being intimate with Alexii. The memory of his touch, his warmth, and the connection we shared flooded my mind.

As I focused, the flower began to rise from Amanda's cupped hands. I felt a surge of exhilaration, but it was quickly followed by a strange sensation. My body felt lighter, and soon enough, I realized I was also levitating. My eyes were closed, completely absorbed in the moment, so I didn't notice at first.

When I finally opened my eyes, I was shocked to see I was floating five feet in the air. My eyes widened in surprise, and before I could react, gravity took hold, and I comically fell to the ground, landing right beside Amanda with a loud thump.

She let out a soft laugh, clearly amused by my reaction. "Well done, Scarlett. You see, your powers respond not only to fear and pain but also to positive emotions. You have great potential to control them."

I rubbed my side, a little sore from the fall but grinning nonetheless. "Thanks, Amanda. That was... unexpected."

Amanda smiled warmly. "Remember this feeling. It will help you in controlling your powers in the future. Now, rest for tonight. We'll continue our training tomorrow."

I nodded, still in awe of what had just happened. As I made my way back inside, I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment and excitement for what was to come.

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