Chapter 17: Scarlett

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"Would you like any water, Princess?" Alexii asked.

I brushed him off and walked down to the bar on the first level. Alexii followed closely behind me down the stairs.

I stormed out of our cabin on the ferry, my frustration and anger boiling over. The gentle rocking of the boat did nothing to calm the storm inside me. Alexii followed close behind, his concern palpable.

"Scarlett, please," he called, his voice a mix of firmness and pleading. "You don't need to do this."

Ignoring him, I headed straight to the bar on the upper deck. The morning sun was bright, but I needed something, anything, to dull the edge. I ordered a mimosa, the bartender giving me a wary look but not saying a word. Just as I took my first sip, I felt Alexii's presence right behind me.

"Scarlett, you shouldn't be doing this," he said, trying to take the glass from my hand.

I pulled it back, glaring at him. "You're my bodyguard, not my father!" I snapped, my voice shaking with anger and pain. "And even if you were, my real father wouldn't care in the first place."

His face fell, hurt flashing in his eyes. But I didn't care. I downed the rest of the mimosa in one go and took off running, the ferry's hallways a blur around me as tears threatened to spill over.

I ran blindly, my emotions a chaotic mess. I turned corner after corner until I found myself in a small, dimly lit corridor. Sliding down against the wall, I finally let the tears fall. I was so scared—of myself, of everything trying to kill me, of what I might become.

"Scarlett?" Charlotte's voice was soft and filled with concern. She had found me, and I couldn't hide the sobs escaped me.

She sat down beside me, gently pulling me into a hug. "It's okay, Scarlett. Let it out," she whispered, her voice soothing.

I clung to her, crying into her shoulder. "I'm so scared, Charlotte. Scared of myself, of what I can do. And everything and everyone is trying to kill me. I didn't ask to be a Princess and I didn't ask to be able to kill people randomly- I just want to live a normal life..." I cried.

She held me tighter, her presence a small comfort in the overwhelming fear. "Well at least you have me which makes things like one-million-percent better. Plus, we haven't died yet so that's' gotta count for something. Another plus is that once you get back home then the danger is over."

I cried harder, the weight of my fears and anxieties pouring out. Charlotte's embrace was warm and reassuring, a lifeline in the midst of my turmoil. For a moment, I allowed myself to be vulnerable, letting the fear surface.

When my sobs finally subsided, I pulled back slightly, looking at Charlotte through tear-filled eyes. "I love you girlie." I whispered, my voice raw with emotion.

She smiled gently, brushing a strand of hair from my face. "As long as we stick together we'll be alright."

I nodded, taking a shaky breath. Her words were a small comfort, but they were enough to help me stand up again. We made our way back to the main deck, where Alexii waited, his expression a mix of relief and concern.

"I'm sorry," I said softly, avoiding his gaze. "I just...I needed to let it out."

He nodded, stepping closer. "I understand, Scarlett. And I'm here to protect you, no matter what."

Together, the three of us stood on the deck, watching the horizon as the ferry made its way to Wisconsin. 

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