Chapter 13 - Wrong steps

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I jolted up from the bed and started running for the windows. I didn't want anyone watching me and this was only starting to make me feel worse. I locked every window and pulled down the blinds so there was no way anyone could watch me. My little outburst also woke Nathan up, who was staring at me like I was a crazy mouse.

"What's wrong love?" He asked as he rubbed his eyes. I didn't say anything and just showed him the text message I received from the mysterious person. His eyes widened as he read it. My eyes were going tired, but I was faced with so many emotions that sleep was something I didn't want to do. Nathan pulled me into him and kissed my forehead.

"There is a psycho out there, who is probably playing games love. There's nothing to worry about. I'll be here with you." He said as he kissed me multiple times. I nodded my head and nuzzled his chest.

"Lexi.." He began.

"Hmm?" I hummed.

"We have to go to the police babe. Just in case." He whispered into my hair. I was too tired to say anything back so I just nodded. He understood and kissed my forehead before mumbling 'I love you' into it.

"Nath.. Please be here when I wake up?" I pleaded, knowing he always leaves early in the morning. He nodded and pecked my lips. With that I rested my head to its old position and fell into a deep sleep. Not a very peaceful one I must say!


The next morning, as I woke up, I felt a pair of strong arms wrapped around my middle. I faced the window and there was no light in the room, due to the blinds being pulled down. I turned to the side to see a very peaceful Nathan, sleeping next to me. He was snoring slightly as his mouth was slightly open. I swept his fringe off his face and slowly kissed his cheek. I wasn't willing to wake him up, but his eyes fluttered open as he adjusted it to the room.

"Morning love." He chirped as he kissed me.

"Morning." I replied and slowly started getting off his grip. I rolled the sheets off of me and sat by the edge of the bed.

"Lex, we have to go the police." Nathan spoke from behind as he rubbed my back.

"Do we have to?" I asked as I was scared. I knew it was already a big deal, but I wasn't sure if going to the police would be the best option.

"Yes we do. It's too dangerous now." He said as he got up as well. He put his shirt back on that I assumed he had taken off after I fell asleep. I wasn't complaining much.

I freshened up in the toilet and then headed down stairs to see Nathan waiting for me.

"You want breakfast?" He asked. I shook my head as I wasn't used to eating during morning. He nodded and we both headed out.

"There's a police station nearby. We are going to go there yeah?" He asked and I couldn't really reject. I didn't want to do this, but I guessed it was for the best. I knew it would turn things worse, but Nathan insisted and I didn't want us to argue. He was the only person here, who I could completely trust.

He grabbed onto my hand as we started walking down the lane slowly. The walk was silent as none of us really were in the mood to hold a conversation. There was already so much going through my head. For a second, I considered getting a gun and shooting myself because all these thoughts were making me lose my sanity.

Soon we reached the place and I stared at it from outside. I didn't want to go inside and tell them my awful story. I'll probably get laughed at on my face for not reporting earlier. Nathan tugged on my hand but I stood still.

"Is this the right thing to do?" I asked.

"Lexi.. I promise you. Things will get better from here." He gave me a comforting smile and slowly leaned in and kissed me. He then grabbed my hands and dragged me inside the place. There were a million people and a million desks of agents who were willing to listen to our tales. Nathan walked me to a man who looked like he was in his mid 30s. I guessed Nathan knew him personally and that's why walked me there.

"Aah. Nathan. Good to see you again. What brings you here." He greeted him.

"Erm.. Agent Dan, this is Lexi, my girlfriend." He introduced me and I said hello. He asked us to take a seat and we did so. Nathan asked me to explain to Agent Dan all the problems I have been facing, and when all of this started. Without a stop, I started from day 1 of the first creepy incident. Without even leaving a tiny detail, I continued to the rest of the story. Luckily, Agent Dan wasn't finding me boring and was listening to my story with a keen mind. Atleast that's what I thought. Soon, I ended with what happened last night, and he looked very worried.

"This is something common happening around here. You're not the first one to report it." He said as he started writing something down.

"We need security." Nathan spoke and Dan nodded.

"I will have a patrol squad around that area to monitor the work happening around there. Don't worry, things will get better now that you've spoken of it." He assured and we thanked him and started to leave. But something told me that this was a terrible thing to do. Ever since I left the department, I felt like something terrible was going to happen.. and it did!


My phone started ringing in my pocket, and slowly grabbed it and pressed answer.

'Hello' I spoke.

'Not such a clever girl... You think the police are going to hear your cries when I strangle you just like I strangled Andrew and Monique." His disgusting voice spoke. I froze in spot and lost words to say back. Andrew and Monique were my parents and their killer is now after me! Nathan saw my tensed face and grabbed the phone from my ear.

"Who is this? And what do you want??" He shouted down it. But disappointingly, Nathan locked the phone and then pulled me into a hug.

"They hung up." He whispered into my ear. "Babe, nothing's going to happen."

"YES IT IS NATHAN! IT IS! They know I just went to the police and things are only going to get worse!! These people... They.. They.." I started stammering the last bits.

"They what Lex?" Nathan shook my shoulder.

"They killed my parents." I croaked and Nathan stared at me in shock.

"No.." He whispered and I looked down and shed all the tears that had formed in my eyes.

My phone buzzed in my hand and I looked at the text message.

'You better ask your lad to stay away from this. If he plays along, he will not see the next sunrise.' It said and I cried even more. Everything was falling apart in front of me, and I had no where to turn. I didn't want Nathan getting involved so I started walking away.

"Lexi.. Lexi wait!!" He called. But I ignored him and continued walking. He caught up with me and pulled me back.

"Stop! Please." He begged and I stopped to listen to him. I didn't make any eye contact and just stared at the ground.

"If you don't want me in this, I'll leave. But I can't live knowing that the first girl I fell in love with isn't safe!" He exclaimed and I felt my heart sink. I knew I took things too fast with our relationship and this has evidently affected Nathan a lot.

"I'm sorry." I cried, and he pulled me into his chest.

"Pleasee. Let me help you!" He insisted. I was reluctant in keeping him in my game, but I went in with it because I couldn't bear to see him broken.

We slowly walked down the street and back into the house. We decided on watching some telly to get our minds off of these things that are eating us both alive. My head was rested on Nathan's shoulder and he would kiss my forehead every now and then.

Hours went by and we were just lazing around on the couch until we heard a loud noise coming from outside. That was then followed by another loud noise. Nathan and I immediately jumped off the couch and headed to the back of the house. To our disappointment, we found two officers, lying on the ground.. lifeless!


Hellooooooo! How was this chapter? Well if you liked it, there's only one lovely person to thank and that would be @LexiluvsTW. She's a star, and the whole idea of this chapter was hers. So all of you go fan her and read her amazing stories because they are awesome! Go Go Go! :D

Vote/Fan ;)

-Ella x

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