Chapter 12 - Far

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Nathan turned to me and looked at me with dreamy eyes before kissing me softly. He then kissed down my neck and stopped at my shoulder blade. He turned over and pulled me into him so that my head was lying on his chest. I gently kissed it as he played with my hair.

"I love you Lexi." He said again and I looked up at him and smiled. This night only got our relationship stronger even though I worried that it was going too fast. But Nathan seemed like a nice lad to me and I've never met someone like him.

Suddenly, I remembered that Mrs Green may call the house line and figure out that I wasn't there. I didn't want her get angry at me for no reason so I sprung off the bed and started putting my clothes back on.

"What's wrong babe?" Nathan questioned as he rested himself on his elbows.

"What if Mrs Green calls? I gotta be at home." I replied and quickly threw my clothes on.

"I'll drop you." He said as he started dressing as well.

"Nathan that's really unnecessary!" I said as I reached for his door. But he grabbed me back by the waist.

"It's dark and it's late. I don't want you outside, scared." He whispered as he kissed my cheek. I smiled and gently pushed him off.

"Really Nathan. I can go on my own." I said as I gently left his grip. He followed me down the stairs and I noticed Jess smirking at us. It was most embarrassing knowing that she knew what Nathan and I were doing in his bedroom. I hid my face and ran for the door. While I was about to step out Nathan pulled me back and spun me around.

"You sure you'll be alright?" He asked concerned.

"I'm sure." I said as I pecked his lips.

"Bye love. Call me when you're home" He called as I walked to his gate and opened it. I turned back and smiled at him before leaving. The place was dark and the street lights were down again. It seemed like a haunted town and for a second I thought Nathan was right. I was really scared going there alone.

Suddenly I felt someone grab me from behind and cover my mouth so my screams wouldn't be heard. Their grip was tight and excruciating. I made muffled sounds and tried to fight them off but their grip was too strong. They dragged me into the forest, as their rough hands squeezed my face. I tried kicking them off but they poked a needle into my leg, that made my vision go blurry. Soon I was out like fire...


I woke up to silent noises of people having a conversation. I realized that I wasn't on a bed, and that I was on rough and poking soil. I then remembered that I had been kidnapped from the street that had led to my house. Slowly moving to the side, I tried to get a glimpse of my mysterious bad wishers. But unfortunately, they were both covered with hoodies and none of their faces were identifiable. I slowly felt my pockets to find my phone, but it wasn't there. I looked around and realised that this was the same forest, where I saw Britney and the dead body.

I decided to make a judgement call and make a run for it. I wasn't sure if I could totally escape, but it was worth the shot. I watched as they were completely indulged into their own conversation so I quickly started sprinting through the forest. I heard them scream and chase after me, but I was a fast runner. Luckily in school, I was known for my speed and I was an athlete.

I ran through all the pokey bushed, that caused many tears in my skin. Soon I reached the road and saw Nathan waiting outside my house. I was so lucky and I quickly ran into his arms and cried into his shoulder.

"Shh. Babe I'm here now." He whispered as he kissed my shoulder. He gently lifted me off the ground and started carrying me into the house. Through the corner of my eye, I saw a familiar figure watching us. It was Ryan. But Nathan quickly shut the door and carried me up the stairs. He laid me down on the bed and pulled the covers over me.

"I told you, I would drop you." He whispered as he kissed me softly.

"I didn't know. What's the time?" I asked.

"It's 3:00 am." He replied as he looked at his watch.

"I was out for so many hours." I whimpered

"Who were they?" He asked worried.

"I don't know." I cried more. I moved the cover off, and looked at the place where they injected me. It had a red mark, and my veins were terribly showing.

"They injected you?" Nathan asked.

I nodded my head slowly. He turned off the lights and climbed in next to me.

"We are going to the police tomorrow." He said sternly.

"I'm scared Nathan." I whispered.

"I won't let them hurt you ever again." He spoke as he gently kissed my forehead. Nathan continued making me feel loved that night, and I really wanted to thank him for that. Soon he got tired and passed out as his body was tangled with mine. He always stayed overnight when I needed him most, and I truly loved him for that.

Sadly, I wasn't feeling very sleepy, so I just stared at the ceiling most of the time. I started thinking about the night, and how it had already gotten so far. I was kidnapped, and I really didn't have a clue who they were. And then I saw Ryan standing by his house at this time of the night, staring at me. I was confused as to what was happening in my life, and how I was going to stop it. I knew that somebody is plotting something terrible for me, and I wasn't sure if I was going to pull through it. Pulling Nathan into this was a big mistake, and I knew I was going to regret it.

I was pulled out of my thoughts as my phone started ringing on my bedside. Nathan grumped and shuffled on the bed. I quickly turned it off and realised that it was just a message.

I quickly looked at it and I stopped breathing.

'Go to sleep, love. You'll be tired tomorrow. Big day you know! ;)' It read.


Here's the next chapter! Hope you guys like it. It's really interesting what you guys wrote in the comments section last time. :) hehe

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Thanks for reading!

-Ella x

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