Chapter 15 - Never going to end

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I woke up to the feeling of dust blowing into my nose. I realised that my hands were tied together behind my back and my mouth had a gag around it. My feet were tied together as well and I was starting to feel very uncomfortable. My head felt like it had hit a rock and I could feel slight dampness on it.

I started wriggling to get myself out of the tied situation but their ropes were quite strong. The room was completely dim with a very old bulb flickering over my head. It was filled with cartons and the air was extremely stale. I was starting to suffocate and probably that is exactly what my bad wishers wanted.

I didn't know where I was but I wanted to make some noise to get some help. I made slightly muffled sounds to attract attention my way. I was wishing Nathan would come to rescue me, but that was just wishful thinking.

"Helpppp" I screamed through the gag, hoping that some one would hear my cries and come around.

"Lexii?" I heard a familiar voice. I knew it was Nathan's. I would recognize his voice anywhere.

"Nathann?" I asked, still not talking very clearly.

"Lexi!!!" I heard him exclaim as he banged the door. I knew that he was trying to break it open but the door seemed tough. He tried a few more kicks on it, but nothing seemed to work. Suddenly, there was a loud scream from his side, almost like someone hit him.

"NAATHAN!!!" I screamed, as I started getting worried about him. I could hear him choking and trying to catch his breath.

Fresh tears started flowing out of my eyes, as I realized that I was the one who brought him into such a horrible situation. I started wriggling more vigorously to get myself loose! No luck was on my side and I was left with tears!

Then the door flung open, and a man I had never seen before stood in front of me. He looked extremely scary and I wondered if he was the person who was after all of this. But why would he be? I've never known him before. He kneeled down and pulled the gag out of my mouth

"You better keep your voice down lass or I will have to do worse things to you." He warned and I nodded attentively.

"The boy outside has been treated well for his intrusion and you both will have to suffer at my bosses hands." He smirked as he glided his finger disgustingly over my face. I moved it away and he grinned a little before roughly shoving his lips against mine. I whimpered in pain and moved my face further away.

"You taste good." He smirked as he licked his lips. He retied the gag around my mouth and then got up. Two other men brought Nathan inside tied him opposite me. He was beaten up so bad, and his head had a massive wound. More tears flooded down my face as I saw his condition, and I could only blame myself.

They left leaving us there to rot in our doom.

"I'm sorry!" I tried speaking.

"It's not your fault." He replied.

"It is. You didn't have to be a part of this." I replied, but most of the words weren't audible due to my muffled noises.

"Babe, I can't understand what you're saying." Nathan chuckled as he didn't really have a gag around his mouth. He tried to make it funny even though we were in a horrible state. I smiled slightly as I slowly watched Nathan struggle his way out of his knot. He was a lot stronger than he looked and in the matter of seconds, he had already untied his hands. And then he quickly untied his hands and gestured me to keep silent.

He slowly moved to me and took my gag off. He then placed his lips delicately on mine and kissed me passionately. I was so lucky to have met him and fall in love with him. He was almost too good to be true.

"Are you alright?" He whispered and I nodded. He then untied my hands and legs and helped me slowly stand up.

"We have to get out. Alright? I'm going to help you out of this window" He spoke as he pointed to it. "You will get out and immediately run for help? alright?" He asked.

"What about you? You are coming with me." I insisted.

"I'll be there right after you." He assured me as he pecked my lips. I nodded and Nathan slowly carried me. I wrapped my arms around his neck in case he dropped me. He slowly lifted me and I held onto the sides of the window. Slowly pushing my body out, I finally made an exit and jumped onto the wet grass of the forest we were in. I waited for Nathan and I heard slight noises coming from inside. I was scared he would get caught and they would torture him. But luckily, I saw him jump out immediately. He grabbed my hand and we started running in the direction that we noticed some light.

We reached a dark road from all the running and we decided to get some help from the houses. But sadly there was no one there. I started to get tired and Nathan noticed that.

"You want me to carry you.?" He asked nicely.


"Sure?" He asked and I nodded.

We kept walking, his hand tightly gripping mine, until we finally reached a house. We got into their compound and walked to their door. Nathan slowly knocked on the door with his free hand. We waited patiently outside in the cold. 

Slowly the door opened to reveal a very pretty woman. She looked at us awkwardly.

"I'm sorry ma'am. We got lost in the woods and we need some help. Someone is trying to kill us." Nathan told her.

"Come in dear!" She insisted and we slowly walked in.

"You have to call the police." She suggested and we told her we had already done that.

She got us some water and showed us a room where she said we could stay for the night. We thanked her with our whole hearts and decided to get some rest. Nathan took a shower and so did I to get the mess out of my body. After that we decided to get some sleep as we both were terribly knackered. We didn't say a word to each other and just cuddled on the soft bed that we were offered.

Suddenly we heard voices coming from the living room. Nathan and I tiptoed to the door and placed our ears on it to listen more carefully.

"How much do I get?" We heard the lady. Her voice seemed demanding and terrifying. Not like how she seemed when we met her.

"The two are in that room." We heard and Nathan and I stared at each other with wide eyes. We heard footsteps and Nathan quickly pushed the lock on the door.

"Run!" He said as he tried to keep the guy from breaking the door. "Go Lexi!" He insisted but I was going nowhere without him.

I pulled his arms with mine and opened the window before jumping out with him. We could hear loud thrashes coming from the house but we both kept running.

This chase was never going to end..


Oooooo! What do you guys think? :D Tell me through comments.

Vote/fan ;)

-Ella x

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