Chapter 11 - Eyes

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"So you've been receiving such things for like how long???? Where you ever going to tell me???" Nathan fumed.

"I didn't want to involve you into this." I said innocently.

"Oh. So you don't want to tell me anything then. I thought I was your boyfriend. I thought you trusted me." He spat as he paced up and down the corridor.

"Nath, I didn't mean to hurt you. I just didn't want you frightening for me." You tried consoling him but he was extremely irritated.

"Lex, you're being watched. You're not safe. Why aren't you telling the police?" He asked.

"I don't know." I mumbled looking to the ground.

He walked up to me and lifted my chin up.

"You have to tell mr and mrs Green!" He spoke sternly.

"No. I don't want them to worry." I replied instantly. It was true. They were already doing so much for me. I don't want to be a heavier burden on them.

"Lexi! You have to tell them. You're also putting their life in risk!" He said sternly. I reprocessed his words and realized that he was right.

"What am I going to tell them Nath? Jennifer is obviously going to be very worried!"

"Tell her the truth. She deserves to know!!" He exclaimed. I nodded in return and watched him storm out of the house without saying another word to me.

I totally understood where he was coming from and that this was all my fault. My world was turning into ashes as all the mystery started burning it. I slowly went to the door and opened it to get some fresh air.

I walked around the house and saw another note on the floor.

'I told you to stay away from him' it read. I froze in the spot and looked around. I wanted to know who was doing this and who is after me. I didn't know if there is anyone around here who I could trust. Not even Nathan. All he's doing is acting weird and fighting with me for no reason.

I turned around and bumped into someone. I squeeled and looked at their face. Luckily, it was just Ryan.

"Hey! I'm sorry" He spoke as he pulled me into a hug.

"I didn't mean to scream!" I mumbled into his chest.

He slowly pulled me into the house. I looked around once more before shutting the door behind me. I really wanted the Greens to be back home. I was starting to feel really unsafe without them.

"What's wrong Lexi? Are you alright?" Ryan pulled me out of my trance.

"No.. Well. Nathan and I had a fallout. It was our first fight." I said softly.

"I'm sorry. He'll come around soon." He said calmly, but something about his tone told me that he didn't care. I looked at his face and he looked happy about my fight.

"I need to go see Nathan! I need to tell him that I'm sorry! I need him back!" I exclaimed as I ran for the door.

"But Lexi! Don't you think it's too soon? Just give him some time to think." He replied like he didn't want me to leave. For the first time I started having a very bad feeling about Ryan.

"I need to go." I repeated as I opened the door and ran out of the house. I started walking swiftly along the lane that leads to Nathan's house. I felt ruffling noises coming from the grass, but by now I was used to it. I knew someone was following me but I couldn't be bothered to stop.

I got into Nathan's compound and ran to the door. I rang the door bell and waited impatiently. A beautiful young girl that had features that resembled Nathan's answered the door.

"Hey!! Is Nathan here?" I asked nicely.

"Yes. He's upstairs. You must be Lexi!" She smiled as she pulled me into a hug.

"I'm Jess. Nathan's sister!" She giggled.

"It's lovely to meet you!" I smiled. She giggled again and directed me to Nathan's room. I thanked her and slowly walked up the stairs. I took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

"Nath. It's Lexi." I said as I knocked.

I heard footsteps and the door opened revealing a puffy eyed Nathan! He was crying and I knew it was all my fault.

He pulled me into the room and shut the door behind us. He didn't say a word and then walked to his window and stood there staring out of it.

"Nathan I'm sorry!" I spoke sincerely. He still didn't say anything else back. I walked to where he was stood and took his hand in mine.

"I'm really sorry." I said looking at him.

"It's not your fault." He mumbled.

"Why are you upset then?"

"I don't know."

"Nathan I'm really sorry and I came up here to tell you that I made a mistake and I will never repeat it." I spoke as I squeezed his hand.

"I love you Nathan!" I let out and he looked at me wide-eyed! I did, I had very strong feelings for him and he was my first real boyfriend. The others were just flings for temporary satisfaction. But Nathan meant a huge deal to me and he was always different from other guys in my life.

Nathan was still staring at me speechless and I felt like it was too early. I realized that I was stupid and that I made the wrong move at the wrong time.

"I'm sorry" I muttered as I let go off his hand. Completely embarrassed I turned around to leave his house. But I was stopped as he grabbed my hand and pulled me back.

"Did you mean that?" He asked still looking shocked. I didn't know how to reply. But I decided on telling him how I really felt, because the last time I hid thing from him, he didn't take it very well.

"Yeah. I love you." I repeated and I immediately felt his lips slam against mine. His arms had quickly draped around my waist as he pulled me closer. My hands moved to his face and then around his neck. He pulled away and rested his forehead around mine.

"I love you too" he said and I felt my heart flutter. He left kisses down my jawline before joining our lips again. He started moving me to his bed as he slowly laid me down. He pulled off my sweater before joining our lips again.

"Your parents.." I stuttered between kisses.

"They're not home!" He replied as he kissed down my neck and lower. I pulled him back up and joined our lips again.

Things carried on from there.....


I'm terribly sorry about my delays but things aren't going quite fine in my life. I hope everyone likes this chapter and this little part in the end ;)

Please let me know through comments who you think is the person behind all of these creepy happenings and what their motive is :)

Vote/fan ;)

Thank you for reading!

-Ella x

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