Chapter 10 - Don't trust anyone

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Nathan soon got rid of his anger as I did silly things to cheer him up. I wasn't very happy knowing that he was still hiding something from me. But I really liked Nathan and I valued my relationship with him a lot.

He was randomly flicking through channels on Telly while I played games on my phone. It actually felt so boring and it was already very late. I grumped and pushed my head further into Nathan's shoulder. He slowly stroked me hair and played with a few strands.

"Are you tired?" He asked softly.

I nodded my head slowly and he shut the Telly. He got up and grabbed me along with him. I was carried up the stairs and gently placed on the bed. He climbed in shortly and pulled the covers over our heads.

His arm found my waist as he pulled me closer and pecked my lips softly. My eyes felt heavy and I was asleep in the matter of seconds.


The next morning I woke up and Nathan wasn't there next to me. I checked my phone but he had left me no message. Worried, I got off my bed and ran down the stairs. He wasn't anywhere to be seen so I just assumed his mother called him again. I wondered why he never left me any messages when he left.

I walked to the kitchen to get myself some milk when I heard loud noises coming from the back of the house. I left my glass on the counter and slowly started walking to the back of the house. To my dismay, I saw nobody there. I decided to step out of the house and have a look around. Nobody was to be seen there either.

But suddenly a pair of footprints caught my eye. I decided to follow it to see who it was. It led me deep into the forest and I was already starting to feel cold due to my attire. But that didn't stop me from following this mystery person.

Suddenly I saw the blue hoodie again! They seemed to be in a hurry so I chased after the figure!

"Stop!" I shouted as I neared them. They turned around and revealed a girl in her mid twenties. She had nice blond hair but her face was pale and she looked like she was cold.

"What do you want" she asked. Her voice was deep and croaky.

"What were you doing behind the Greens' house?" I questioned.

"Just getting some supplies that I needed. Why are you so bothered?" She questioned back.

"I've seen you watching me. I also saw you the other day in Leicester square." I stuttered.

She gave out a chuckle and looked at me like I was retarded.

"You must have been hallucinating! I never move away from this place!" She replied and examined my face. I was confused and I must say the situation was really awkward.

"Why did you move here?" She asked. Her tone sounded more like a woman now.

"That's none of your business" I stuttered again.

"I warn you to not trust anyone here. Not the Greens and not the Sykes!" She said as her tone got more serious.

"Especially that lad who you keep hanging out with.. Nathan Sykes" her voice sounded painful like she had been betrayed! I wanted to question her more but she turned around and walked away. I went back home and tried to process the things happening around me.

"Lexiii" I heard someone shout through the door. That familiar voice of Nathan's. I emerged from the kitchen and he came over and hugged me.

"I'm sorry. My mum called me back." He mumbled into my hair. I just nodded and pulled away. My mind was confused and I didn't know how to react.

"Are you alright babe?" He asked me as he touched my face.

"I'm fine." I mumbled as I slowly pushed his hand away. I looked else where to keep my concentration off of him.

A lot of things were going through my head, and I was starting to doubt if Nathan really is the person he shows to be. He seems extremely nice and caring but I was starting to wonder if he was really like that.

"Lex, I know you're not alright. Tell me what's wrong." He insisted. I looked at his face and couldn't think he was faking his care. His eyes showed his true feelings and they told me that he was really concerned.

"Nothing.." I said as I tried shaking all of my thoughts away.

"Is this about me?" He asked, the sadness evident in his voice.

"No Nathan. Ofcourse not." I lied as I grabbed onto his hand. I didn't want him to hurt even though he was hurting me. I had very strong feelings for Nathan by now and I was starting to feel like I was falling in love with him. But meeting that blonde girl in the forest was making me tense and I didn't know what to do.

Nathan placed his hand over mine and slowly pulled me towards him. "You seem so distant today.." He whispered.

"I.. I'm just not very well." I lied.

"Maybe you should go back to bed." He suggested but I shook my head. I wanted to spend some time with him, even though I wasn't sure if it was the best thing to do. Just a few minutes ago, I was told by an unknown person to not trust him, but something told me that he was true. I wanted to talk to him about this, but I wasn't sure how he would take it.

"Nath...." I began. Probably wasn't the best thing to do. "I walked into the forest today. And I met someone." I spoke. His face already started getting pale.

"Who?" He asked as he pushed me away and stood at a distance.

"She was blonde.." I spoke but he cut me off.

"Britney." He whispered and looked at me.

"You know her."

"She..She.." He stuttered.

"She what Nathan???" I asked impatiently.

"She used to be my girlfriend." He blurted and I stared at him in shock. I felt tears sting my eyes for no reason. Nathan didn't really have to tell me this, but I still felt heartbroken.

"She told me not to trust you!" I told him.

"She will tell you a lot of things about me.. A lot of things that are not true." He spoke.

"Nath I didn't trust her." I spoke but he cut me off again.

"Ofcourse you did." He laughed coldly.

"Nath..." I whispered stepping closer.

"Emma.. Britney.. all my ex girlfriends won't have anything nice to say about me Lex." He stammered as a single tear rolled down his cheeks. I went closer and pulled him into a hug. He hugged me back slowly but I had a feeling that Nathan was scared of something. Something around here was frightening him as well. I kissed his cheek and looked at him. He looked to the ground and sniffed slowly.

"I don't believe what Britney said and I never will.." I whispered and kissed him. He kissed me back and pulled me back into him.

That was when I got pushed to the other side by him, and another block came flying into the house. It had a message on it and it read,

'Not such a clever girl..'

I looked at Nathan, who was as freaked out as me.


Here is chapter 10. I wonder if you guys like it.. Probably getting a bit boring, I'm sorry about that. But things will hopefully get better soon! :)

Vote/fan ;)

-Ella x

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