I understand, I'm here for you

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I understand, I'm here for you

A little 9-year-old Jonathan was lying on a mat on the floor of what looked like a hut, covered with a blanket that looked very worn.

He was sweating, shaking his head and grunting very agitatedly, when an image appeared in his mind, Will was staring straight ahead, while shaking very violently and foam was coming out of his mouth.

A scared Jonathan murmurs in his sleep -... Will-

Then he found himself in a different place than where he slept, it was not warm like the hut, there was no permanent sunset, nor was there any fresh air, although it was very limited.

The new place was very cold, it was dark, except for some lights on the hedge walls, the air was very cold, it even hurt to breathe it.

And a small figure ran past him, he recognized him immediately and shouted -WILL- and ran after him, he kept calling him and running after him, all the corridors looked the same, the only thing different were Will's footprints that he followed while asking -... wait, where are we? How did we get here? What is...?-

But as he turned around he came across something horrible, there was his little brother, lying on the ground covered in white snow that was beginning to stain a beautiful crimson red, due to the blood that was flowing from the boy's back from a huge wound in it.

Jonathan screams in fear and runs to take the boy's body, but when he turns him over he discovers that where his face should be... there is only smooth skin.

He screams and sits down in the hut, almost immediately Trevor and Hannah arrive to see what is happening, Jonathan still very agitated is comforted by them.

Trevor asks -calm down, buddy, what's wrong?- to which the boy only answers agitated -it was just a dream, a nightmare...-

Trevor then tells him in a calm tone -do you want to tell me what happened? It always helps me with nightmares, especially when they laugh at me for how silly they are in retrospect-

The boy doesn't seem convinced, but finally nods and says -I saw my brother running, something... something bad had happened to him, and he wasn't... he was like when...-

Trevor asks -When what?- to which he responds, calmer -when he was born... dad wasn't there and the ambulance didn't arrive because of the rain, so mom had to do everything by herself at home-

Hannah asks -and you saw it?- to which he responds -behind the door, mom didn't want me to see it, but I watched from the doorknob in case something went wrong-

Trevor answers -very brave boy, it's not something easy to see- Jonathan answers -I knew it was going to happen, the cat we had at the time had had kittens, I was expecting a small, wet human... what I didn't expect was that he wouldn't have a face-

The adult man answers after thinking about it for a moment -he was born with a veiled birth...- Hannah asks -with what?- to which the professor answers -normally in childbirth the sac breaks and the baby separates from it, the so-called "water breaking", but in VERY rare cases, the sac doesn't break and the baby and the placenta arrive still attached, it's not dangerous as long as it is removed immediately-

Hannah says -I remember my mother told me about that, she said that children born like this can see the future- Trevor stifles a laugh and answers -yes, well those are just old wives' tales... but it must have been quite a spectacle for a 3 year old-

The boy answers angrily -he was almost 4...- and then he adds something sad -I screamed and ran to hide under my bed, the paramedics arrived right after, the first few months I was afraid to look at him, I felt like his face would disappear at any moment... we have to go back-

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