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I grab my clothes, throw them on quickly as Younha does the same and go to open the door but she stops me by grabbing one of my hands.

Younha : San, you're not about to help him, are you ?
San : I don't have a choice.
Younha : Yes you do, I'm here and the FBI is still downstairs, you don't have to listen to him anymore.

Could I just...bail on him ?

Another pound to the door brings my attention back on him.

Hyeonsok : San, I told you to get the fuck out, do not make me force the door !
San : I'm coming.

I feel Younha's grip on my hand tighten.

Younha : You can't do that.
San : Hide under the bed for a second, please.
Younha : I'm not hiding because you're not joining him.
San : It's too late, I've done too much, I've joined him now, just hide and go home.
Younha : I'm not going home without you !
San : Don't make me force you.
Younha : Force me ? The San I know would never even think of hurting me, who the fuck are you ?!
San : Just...Hide and leave.

But before she can even react, Hyeonsok takes down the door.

Hyeonsok : So that's why you weren't answering.
San : Let her go, please.
Hyeonsok : Why would I do that, she shouldn't be here. Did you get her in ?
San : I did not, she was with the FBI.
Hyeonsok : The FBI ?
San : Yeah, we can hear you fighting with them right now !
Hyeonsok : That's not the FBI, that's our target of the day.
San : Shit...
Hyeonsok : I guess I'm keeping her a bit longer then.
San : Don't, please ! I swear, I'll do whatever you want.
Hyeonsok : We've been through this San, get her out of my way or I'll do it myself.
San : Younha, leave, right now.

She doesn't move, staring at the floor as if her mind was empty but her hands are shaking.

San : Will you please listen to me for once ? Get the fuck out of here if you don't want to die !
Hyeonsok : You have two minutes to get her out of the building or I'm taking care of it.

I grab her wrist and drag her downstairs, doing my best to shield her from the fights still going between the two gangs.
Thankfully, we manage to reach the exit without anyone getting hurt and we get out of the building. I take a look around, hoping to see an agent somewhere and luckily, Yunho is standing right next to the exit. We run to him and I release Younha's wrist.

Yunho : Are you two okay, what's going on here ?!
San : A typical gang war I guess. I need to go back but please take care of her.
Yunho : What do you mean you need to go back, no way ! We're here to take you back from Hyeonsok and arrest him.
San : Trust me, you do not want to do that today, he has subordinates everywhere and they're all armed to the bones.
Yunho : Then why did Younha manage to get inside so easily ?
San : They weren't looking for her. But if they see FBI agents, they won't like it, you all need to fucking leave !
Yunho : Let me get this straight, we leave and you stay here in your brother's mafia that you've apparently joined too ?!

I don't answer his question because he knows perfectly that he's right.

Yunho : I knew we couldn't trust you, betrayal just runs in your blood.
San : Take care of Younha.
Yunho : Oh no, you're not going back inside, I'm arresting you right here you piece of shit.

But Mingi joins them in a car and stops right next to us.

Mingi : You got her ? Let's go, we can't stay here.
Yunho : Consider yourself lucky, if I ever cross path with you again, you're done.

They both get in the car and drive away, Younha not even throwing me a single look.
How could I make her understand that I'm trying to protect her ? I just want to keep her safe and far away from Hyeonsok, if that implies us breaking up, I'm willing to do it.

Hyeonsok : Hurry up and get your ass back here !
San : Go to hell.
Hyeonsok : What did you just say to me ?
San : I'm not working with you anymore.
Hyeonsok : Have you forgotten about your pretty girlfriend ?
San : She's not my girlfriend anymore, I'm finally free from her.
Hyeonsok : Huh. I guess you're the one I'm gonna need to kill then.
San : Go ahead, I don't give a shit.
Hyeonsok : I didn't think I would have to pull that card now but let's do it. San, I'm dying, that's why I need you to take the head of the gang. I have a cancer and I refused to do chemotherapy.
San : And you couldn't say it at the beginning ?!
Hyeonsok : You would have played the time card. But now, your hands are already covered in blood so you can't back down.
San : I damn right can, and will. You ruined my life so I hope you die soon.

I walk away from the headquarters, ignoring his short protests before he went back to the fight.

I have to see Wooyoung, he's the only one who can help me now.

After walking for a while, I get to the apartment and knock on the door. When he opens and sees me, he looks both shocked and mad.

Wooyoung : What the fuck is wrong with you ?! Younha just told me everything !!
San : I can explain.
Wooyoung : Yeah, you better ! What were you thinking, joining that mafia and refusing her help ?!
San : Just tell me if she's okay.
Wooyoung : Seeing how you treated her, that's none of your damn business.
San : Wait until I tell you the story, I just want to make sure she's safe.
Wooyoung : She is but you broke her heart.
San : Trust me, I broke mine too.
Wooyoung : I hope you have a good excuse.

He lets me come in and I start telling my story.

San : When he kidnapped me, Hyeonsok forced me to take what he called a special training.
Wooyoung : What did he do to you ?
San : He manipulated me into thinking like him and helping him get his revenge on the gang who killed our family.
Wooyoung : So you're saying you became Hyeonsok junior ?
San : Not exactly but...yeah.
Wooyoung : That explains you threatening Younha.
San : But it doesn't forgive it, I was an asshole to her.
Wooyoung : You were.
San : He forced me to cooperate by threatening to hurt her, I just wanted to protect her. That's also why I broke up with her, if she's far away from me, she'll be far away from him.
Wooyoung : Is that really what she would have wanted ?
San : She hates me now, so yes.
Wooyoung : She hates you because you've done everything for it. She was in love with you, and I know you are too.
San : That doesn't matter anymore, she needs to be safe, I couldn't follow her and the FBI.
Wooyoung : Well now, they all think you're a criminal so you better clear things out before they arrest you.
San : I kind of am a criminal, I helped Hyeonsok elaborate his plan to get his revenge.
Wooyoung : Because he was threatening you, you weren't willing to do it otherwise. I'll take you to the station, you need to explain everything to them. After that, you'll apologize to Younha and get back together with her.
San : I can't, not while he's still alive.
Wooyoung : The FBI knows where he is now, they're gonna arrest him, you have nothing to worry about.
San : I'm not taking that risk.

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