-x- just trust me you'll be fine -x-

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chapter title by djo - end of beginning!

karl was stressing; not over anything bad, just about school. maybe stressing a bit too much, but you couldn't blame him! there were so many upcoming tests; half of them not even important, by the way. foolish noticed this and sat down next to him during free period.

''dude, you good? you look, like, so burnt out.'' he said, tone gentle. karl just shrugged, scribbling things into his notebook, whilst switching to a sticky note with certain facts on it. foolish looked concerned, to put it simply. ''maybe, take a break?'' he suggested, but immediately regretted it as he saw karls expression.

''absolutely not. i have to get all this done, the tests aren't important, but i like to think they are.'' he smiled, before sighing and dropping the act, continuing to skim through the book he was assigned and writing down things. ''i am really burnt out.'' the brunette grimaced, putting his pen down and sighing. foolish hummed, putting a hand on his shoulder. he felt bad, honestly. foolish knew karl lived off of academic praise, but it was kind of getting out of hand.

''maybe you should take a break, hm? or we can do an activity to do with studying, but.. less.. frustrating? i don't like watching this.'' he suggested again, taking his notes gently. karl hummed questioningly, but slowly nodded. ''okay, first; who was the explorer that found america?'' he asked, basing the question off of his first pile of notes. the brunette didn't hesitate to answer.

''Christopher Columbus.''

''good. when did he discover america?''







''ugh, i suck..'' he mumbled, putting his head in his hands. foolish shook his head.

''no you don't, you are quite literally getting straight A's, your lowest is an A-.''

''so? i still suck, i should get A*.''

''you do. moving on, what did he call america?''

''The new world.''

''umm, i think thats correct! good job, you got 1 wrong, 2 times, but, if it were me, i wouldn't have gotten all correct!'' he smiled. karl just shrugged.

''thanks. i need to get to class, though, bye!''

''10 minutes early?''




  omg killmsyelf this took forever and its SO BORIGN

chsracter development guys, i promise :(

no theres no excuse literally just how karl is so like me (ive been watching gilmore girls, pls)


lots of love!!!


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