-x- where'd all the time go? -x-

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chapter title from where'd all the time go by dr. dog.


karl shifted for the umpteenth time that study session, the hand on his thigh sliding up slightly.

''hey, um, sir?'' he finally said.

''no- um, yes? yes, karl?'' he muttered, his hand stilling quickly. karl grimaced at the feeling of the hand, and how it felt on his jeans. 

''um, when should i be going?''

''anytime.. preferably late, however.'' he muttered, clutching his trousers. karl flinched and nodded, writing things down again.


after a bit of shifting and hands sliding upwards, karl finally stood up, which shocked mr. johnson slightly. ''i'm going.'' he stated, and the teacher nodded.

''right, well, um.. yeah, okay, goodbye karl.'' he muttered, biting his lip. karl shivered slightly and gathered his stuff, practically sprinting out.

karljacobs --- foooooshhh

karljacobs: foolsih foolish foolish are you there

karljacobs: why couldnt you pcik me up?? pls

foooooshhh: i could, i was there. you didnt come out.

karljacobs: oh sorry, mr. johnson wanted me :)

karl sighed, pulling his legs up to his chest on the couch as soon as he got to the common room. gross. he shuddered at his head replaying the moments of uncomfortableness before. why him? why the nerd of all people? why not a hot boy?- not sapnap, of course - but a less hot one; why the fuck did that happen? why did he not say anything? because he had a huge need to please the teachers for any praise. so that was it; he had a praise kink, then? gross. he needed to go to bed, to ignore, to forgive and forget. he stood up, but that just made tears slip out from his bloodshot eyes as he thought of the several hours that had been wasted, letting this old man do what he wanted with him. disgusting. he was a slut - a whore, even. he let a 70 year old elder man touch him. 

he hurried into his dorm room and lied down on his bed. everything felt gross. he tried to ignore it, and eventually fell asleep, after several thoughts were screaming at him, saying horrible things.


short chapter, sorry

i hate mr. johnson, this book is making me cry i swear

lobe you!!!!!


p.s 4 chspters in one day is crazy

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