-x- rises the moon -x-

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title from rises the moon by (i forgot someone remind me, its like l something)

''if you couldn't tell, the place is way too big to be a normal school.'' niki smiled as people started flooding into the building. ''its not a normal school, actually. not that it was a suprise, i mean, it is obvious. uh, its a boarding school. dorms are singular, except from one, because they insisted.'' she rolls her eyes playfully, and the trio immediately knew; karl and foolish- well, finagon thought it was sapnap and one of his group. eXcess looked confused. ''surely dorms wouldn't take up so much room, so what else is in here?''

''activity rooms, common rooms for each block of dorms, uhm, staff room - which is huge, i've been in there once - and all the teachers dorms, uhm, i dont really know what else, to be honestly.'' she listed the things she could remember. eXcess nodded, and ivan hummed.

''big.'' they muttered, looking around at all the people; there were atleast over 100 in the school overall, it was honestly suprising how they all fit in the school.. if you didn't know how big the school actually was. finagon shrugged. ''its not that big, its just- bigger than normal schools is all.'' he rolled his eyes; they were being dramatic in his opinion. niki chuckled; his opinion would definetely change as he becomes used to the school.

''aha, sure, you could say that.'' she replied, taking out another notebook and checking what she had wrote before. ''i think you ought to be taking yourselves to class. finagon, you have Physical Education, eXcess you have english, ivan i think you have maths; room c3.'' she explained before hurrying off to her own class. ivan groaned.

''do i really have to do maths? what if i skip- they wont know im here until tomorrow!'' eXcess shook her head. ''why not? its a good plan!'' they whined.

''no its not, just go to class; don't be late.'' she sighed, before going in a different direction. she waved. ''see you after!'' ivan huffed, and waved to finagon as they walked off, his face pouty. finagon shrugged again; he personally had the best class, and sprinted to it.


''i hated that class.''

''okay, but you did it! good job.''

''i loved that.''

''im glad you did.''

the group had found eachother near the canteen, and now all that was stopping ivan and finagon from leaving was the divine food.


w book

im scared still but its getting better

love live laugh


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