-x- It happens all the time, it happens all the time -x-

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chapter title from cavetown - lemon boy :)


karl groaned into his maths book, sighing. ''i wont ever get this right, goddd.'' he muttered, frowning. sapnap smirked.

''what is it?'' sapnap asked, and karl almost jumped. sapnap was speaking to him? then he thought of mr. johnson. did that class as cheating? oh no, he was a fucking shit boyfriend, then. he not only let himself submit to him, but also have a praise kink. what the fuck? what the fuck was wrong with him? gross.

''um, for what value of k, the systems of equations kx + 2y = 2 and 3x +y = 1 will be coincident?''


''how do you know?''

''i googled earlier.''

''huh.'' he hummed, quickly scribbling the answer down nonetheless.

''..sap, i need to tell you something.''

''what is it?''

''privately.'' he said, tone bitter. he himself had never heard him say anything in that tone. he shocked himself a bit, before standing up. 7 minutes until class started. that would be fine. sapnap looked a bit shocked himself too,  but also stood up, following him out as he scowled at his friends on the way. 

as he did, niki mumbled to eXcess. ''looks like he's won him over then.'' she giggled. eXcess hummed, smiling. ''shocker, honestly, but only karl could do it, hm?'' she nodded. 


''he um..''

''dont tell me he tried to..''


''oh my god, karl.''



i had to hurry because i didnt post a chapter >:(

lots of lov!!

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