3: A New Family

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*Victoria's POV*

The car came to a stop and I looked up from Josh's arm. My eyes wondered from Josh to the window to the other guys to the other window to the ceiling.

"Woah Porcelain calm down," Josh chuckled. "You're gonna have an aneurism."

I laughed and he let me get out of his lap. I stepped out of the car with the help of Mr. Brown Hair and looked up at the house.

I had to shield my eyes since it was summer, and it was only 3:00pm, so the sun was still pretty high in the sky.

"This is- AH!" Someone swiftly scooped me up from behind.

I was thrown under someone's arm and bounced around as they ran. I looked up to see who it was and aught a glimpse of the blue hair. Josh.

"Jooooosh!" I whined loudly, hoping the other guys would come to my rescue.

Unfortunately, they didn't do anything to help. Mr. Brown Hair just took out a camera and started filming us.

"Gee thanks!" I yelled as Josh ran past them.

Josh kept running around the front yard with me under his arm for about 2 minutes. Once he came to a stop, he grabbed me with two hands and placed me on his shoulders.

"Ooooh it's high up here.." I said smiling.

"You bet shorty," Josh teased.

I gaped at him. "You did not just say that!"

"Oh but I did!" He announced.

I leaned forward and started messing up his hair. He let out a small scream and tried to grab me.

"Noooo! My hair!!" He yelled.

"Muahahaha!" I yelled.

Josh went down on his knees and then leaned forward, making me tumble onto the grass. I let out a small squeal before he towered over me and started tickling me.

"J-Jo-Josh-sh! St-o-op!" I stuttered between laughs.

Brown Hair was still recording us and I yelled for help. "G-uys! He-l-lp!" I laughed.

"Okay," they said in unison and started tickling me as well.

"N-not wh-at-t I m-meant!" I laughed. The neighbours probably think we're mental, but who cares.

After a minute or two, Josh grabbed me from under my arms and lifted me into the air. I squealed as my hair flew into the wind. I heard a camera go off when I was in the air and then I was on my feet again.

"You guys suck!" I yelled, pointing a finger at them. They chuckled.

Josh ran a hand through his now messy hair and breathed deeply, trying to catch his breath.

Suddenly, something hit me. My stuff!

"Guys?" I said, gaining their attention. "I didn't pack my stuff!"

"Oh, when you fell asleep in Josh's arms, Mrs. Kaitlin packed your stuff for you." Curly Hair explained.

"Ohhh," I said.

Mohawk Guy opened the trunk of the car and he pulled out my faded blue suitcase. It had a rip in the front, which happened because of age I suppose.

Josh picked me up and put me on his hip. I looked at him and raised my eyebrows. He did the same to mock me and I chuckled. "You know I can walk right?" I asked.

"I know. But now you don't have to! Yay for laziness!" He exclaimed. I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

He turned around to face the house and we started walking towards it.

Once inside, Josh said, "Wanna see your room?"

"Hell yeah!" I yelled, wide eyed.

"Watch your language!" Brown Hair said as he pulled my luggage inside.

"Bu-" Josh cut me off.

"Shh" he said.

"Bu-" I tried again.




I stared at him for about four seconds and then stuck my tongue out at him. He did the same.

"Josh said shit in the car!" I announced quickly so he couldn't interrupt.

Josh's mouth formed an 'O' as he looked at the other guys.

"She's just like you," Brown Hair said, walking away.

"Hey!" Josh exclaimed.

"Ha-ha," I mocked him.

Finally, Josh set me on the ground and we removed our shoes.

"Can I pleeeease see my room now?" I asked, jumping up and down while he removed his other shoe.

"Ugh," he rolled his eyes. "I guess so." He chuckled.

I laughed and he started walking towards some stairs in the corner of the room. See, the front door lead into the family room where there was a couch and a TV, and right behind the couch there was a kitchen with a stove and stuff then there was a table and chairs in the right corner. On the wall straight ahead in the kitchen there were some stairs.

I walked into the kitchen and stood there. Josh walked up 2 stairs and noticed I wasn't behind him. He turned around and raised his eyebrows at me.

I put my arms up and he rolled his eyes. He walked over to me and put his hands under my arms and lifted me up.

He looked at me. "You're weird."

"I know you are but what am I?" I said. He chuckled and started walking up the stairs.

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