59: Unexpected

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*Victoria's POV*

The next morning when I woke up, I felt like crap. Sighing, I sat up in my bed and looked at my digital clock. 7:04am. Great.

I got out of bed and walked over to my closet. I pulled a blue and white polka-dotted dress off of the hanger and threw it on my bed. I grabbed some black ankle high converse and threw them as well. I walked to my bed and undressed, pulling on the dress and shoes.

I saw my black leather jacket on my desk chair and picked it up, throwing it next to my book bag. I walked into my bathroom and put my hair in a messy bun. I started at my makeup. Once I was done, I took out my hair and started straightening it. I'll get Josh to style it later.

I finished getting ready and grabbed my book bag and jacket. I took a glance at my clock. 7:41am. I walked out of my room and down the stairs. Josh was in the kitchen making cereal. Typical Josh.

"Good morning my beautiful bundle of joy and sunshine!" he announced. I raised my eyebrows.

"You're so weird." I said, placing my bag and jacket on the couch.

"I know you are but what am I?" He said sassily. I rolled my eyes.

He passed me a bowl and I started to make cereal for myself. Josh and I sat on the couch and ate our cereal. The rest of the guys started coming in.

"Josh that one!" I said, pointing to the TV.

"Which one?" He asked. I scoffed and grabbed the remote from his hand. I pressed a button and SpongeBob appeared on the screen.

"Are you guys watching SpongeBob?" Mike chuckled, entering the room.

"No we're watching the ocean channel. They've just discovered a living sponge with pants that's living in a pineapple. It's amazing!" I exclaimed sarcastically.  Mike rolled his eyes.

"Josh, can you do my hair?" I asked, letting myself fall onto his lap dramatically.

He chuckled. "Sure,"

Josh grabbed a hairbrush and other things from the bathroom and then I sat on the floor between his knees. He started brushing my hair and I continued watching SpongeBob and eating my cereal.

"What do you want me to do with it?" He asked.

"Umm..." I swallowed. "Can you leave it half down and put the rest in a messy bun?"

"K," he said.

He started to do my hair and soon he finished. I stood up and walked towards the mirror by the door. It looked great! How is he so good at hair?

"Thank you!" I skipped to the couch and grabbed my bag and jacket. I glanced at the clock. 7:57am.

"I should get going," I sighed.

"Want me to drive you?" Josh asked.


"Yeah. I don't have to go to the studio till 10." He said.

I shrugged. "Okay,"

I opened the front door and Josh slipped his shoes on. He went to the car and I yelled out to the other guys.


I skipped to the truck and got in the passenger seat. I pulled up the middle part and sat in the middle seat so I could annoy Josh more. Because I'm just that nice.

I turned on the radio and 'This Means War' was -coincidentally- playing. I started flailing my arms and head around like a maniac. Josh laughed.

"THIS MEANS WAR!" I yelled along with the song. "YEEeeEeAaAAAah!" I tried hitting Josh's high note but it made my voice crack miserably. Josh laughed at my fail.

"K, we're here." He said as we arrived in the parking lot. Josh dropped my off by the front door and I stepped out.

"Have a good day!" He yelled as I closed the door. I began walking towards the school.

"I LOVE YOU!" He yelled. Please tell me he didn't roll don't the window. I turned around and saw him waving and blowing kisses to me.

I looked around and saw some people snickering. I have Josh the "shut up and leave already" face.

"AM I EMBARRASSING YOU?!" He yelled. "ARE THOSE YOUR FRIENDS?! HI!!" He yelled to some strangers that walked pass me. I gave them a sorry look.

"Josh. Stop." I said.

"OKAY BYE V-DAWG!" He drove away. I facepalmed and walked into the school.

The day went pretty slow, I met up with my friends and went to class. It was 4th period; right after lunch, when it happened.

I was working on a math sheet that our teacher had given us, I wasn't doing very well on it, but I was trying. The PA made a noise, signalling that someone was contacting us from the office.

"Could Victoria Ramsay come to the office please? She's signing out." The lady said.

My head popped up and I looked around to see mostly everyone staring at me. Brittany gave me a questioning look, I shrugged and mouthed a 'I don't know'.

I collected my things and headed out the door. I walked to my locker and put away my books, grabbed my jacket and bag, and went downstairs.

As I approached the office I saw Mike standing by the front door. He turned around and saw me walking towards him. I gave him a questioning look. I saw him sigh.

"Why am I signing out?" I asked.

He sighed. "Victoria, Josh was in a car accident."

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