47: Hospital

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*Victoria's POV*

Once we arrived back on the bus, which we parked outside the building until further notice, I asked questions about Andy.

"Josh?" I asked.


"How old is Andy?"

"16 I think." He replied.

My eyes widened. 16?! I'm only 13! I wonder if he thinks I'm older than 13. Maybe he thinks I'm his age! Oh no.

I shrugged it off and went back to looking at my phone.
(I know Andy is actually 24 IRL but for the purpose of the story he's 16)
*Josh's POV* (gasp)

I was woken up by the sound of wheezing and the bed shaking. I quickly rolled off the bunk and stood up, immediately looking at Victoria on the top bunk to see if she was okay, I was not ready for what I saw.

My baby girl, lying there staring at the ceiling with wide eyes and shaking violently. She was wheezing like she couldn't breath.

"Victoria?!" I exclaimed, stepping on the edge of my bunk to reached over the side of the railings to shake her.

She didn't respond and instead just kept shaking and coughing.

"Shit," I whispered to myself, I reached over the side of the railing and picked her up bridal style.

"What's going on?" Mike asked, sitting up in his bunk. I turned around and saw all of the guys awake now.

"I don't know what's wrong," I cried, holding Victoria so they could see her.

"Oh god," Matt said. Everyone got up and we ran to the lounge.

"Someone call an ambulance!" I yelled, sitting down on the couch and cradling her in my arms as she shook.

"C-can't b-re-ath," she stuttered, I could see her eyes going foggy.

"Victoria, Victoria don't you dare give up on me now!" I yelled through tears, rubbing my hand over her face.

"Ambulance is on its way," Ian said, walking over to us.

After about 4 minutes I heard sirens outside the bus. I stood up and ran out the bus door, not bothering to put on any shoes. I was only wearing some pyjama pants. I wasn't wearing a shirt but I didn't care.

"What's wrong with her?" The paramedic asked, rolling a gurney over with two other paramedics.

"I don't know!" I yelled. They took Victoria and placed her on the gurney, strapping her still shaking body in.

"Does she have any allergies?" She asked.


"Come with me," she said, pushing Victoria over to the ambulance.

I ran after them and jumped into the back of the ambulance. Ian, Matt and Mike got in a police car that came along with the ambulance too.

They closed the back doors of the ambulance and I sat on a chair next to Victoria's gurney. She was still shaking and her eyes were drooping and crossing in all different directions.

I grabbed her tiny hand and held it in two of my giant ones. I laid my forehead on my hands and let my tears fall.

Please god. Don't take my baby.
*Victoria's POV*

I woke up but didn't open my eyes. I'm alive? I didn't die? Where am I? All of these questions were racing through my head and I decided to find out where I was. I slowly opened my eyes and was blinded by a really bright white light.

I turned my head to the side and saw Josh sitting there in a chair against the wall. I was in a hospital room, on a bed. Josh had his elbows on his knees and his hands were folded together, his forehead rested on them.

"Dad?" I whispered, I was too weak to speak. Maid head shot up and I could see his bloodshot eyes.

"Victoria," he smiled, sniffing before bringing his chair to the side of my bed.

"What happened?" I asked.

"We're not sure, do you remember anything?"

I shook my head. "Not really, I just remember I woke up and I started shaking and I couldn't breath. Everything else is pretty much a blur from there on." I explained.

He nodded his head and pursed his lips into a straight line. I think he was about to speak up again, but he was cut off by the door opening.

"Joshua Ramsay?" The nurse asked, closing the door behind her.

"That's me," Josh smiled, shaking her hand.

"Well, Victoria had a heart attack." The nurse explained.

"She can go home tonight, but she has to be careful. She probably shouldn't walk a lot for about a week as her heart is recovering and she might pass out." The nurse explained. I nodded and Josh smiled at me.

"You could use crutches for a while, if you'd like?" She asked. I smiled, I've always wanted to use crutches.

"Sure!" I beamed.

"There are crutches out front, there should be someone out there to help you find the right size." She smiled and said goodbye, then left.

"Okay, come on then." Josh chuckled. I climbed into his arms and he adjusted me on his arm.

We walked out of the room and down the hall, I hadn't really realized that Josh was shirtless until now. I laid my head on his shoulder and breathed in his scent.

"Are you smelling me?" Josh asked.

"Yeahhh," I smiled.

"You're weird,"

"Don't judge me."

We made it to the front desk and I looked up from his neck. The lady behind the desk smiled at me and I returned the favour. Josh and her spoke for a few minutes, which I didn't really listen to.

"So, there are some crutches over here. Let's try some different sizes and you tell me which one feels right." The lady said. I nodded and Josh put me on my feet. I leaned against the desk.

She handed me some crutches and I slipped them under my arms. I started walking around with them and smiled at her.

"They feel right,"

"Okay, just sign out here and you're free to go."

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