35: Ellen Degeneres

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*Victoria's POV*

"Josh come on I wanna go on the swings and the monkey bars and the slide and-" I was pulling Josh towards the playground when he cut me off.

"Porcelain calm down," he chuckled.

"I can't! I've never been at a playground before!"

"You've never been at a playground?" He asked dumbfounded.

"Nope," I shook my head and then ran towards the swings.

Josh started pushing me on the swing and then the rest of the guys started coming towards us. Matt sat on the swing next to me and started pushing himself.
-the next day 8:47am-

"Victoria come on get out of bed!" Josh chuckled as he tried to pull me out of bed by my ankles.

"Noooooo," I groaned into my pillow.

"Find I'll just call Ellen and tell her you don't want to go," he smirked, crossing his arms.

I pushed the covers off of me and jumped out of bed and into the lounge, making Josh laugh behind me.

"Shouldn't you get dressed?" Matt chuckled, looking up from his phone.

I looked down and realized that I was still in my plaid pyjama pants and tank-top.

"Yeah," I sprinted back to the bunks and picked out some clothes.

I decided to wear some black ripped skinny jeans, a black and white plaid button up shirt with a One Direction tank-top underneath. I also had my blue converse that Josh gave me.

I brushed my hair out and straightened it, then placed one of Josh's black snapbacks on my head and looked at myself in the stand up mirror.

I smiled at my appearance before walking back out into the lounge. Josh was now sitting on the couch with his phone in his hand and so was Matt.

I coughed and got their attention.

"Subtle," Josh smirked. I rolled my eyes and sat next to him.

"What do you think?" I asked, motioning to my outfit.

He nodded and looked at my outfit up and down. "It's nice. I see you're going with a black and white theme." He chuckled.

"A little,"
We were now at the Ellen Degeneres show and We were about to go onstage. We were currently backstage and I was so nervous that I was actually shaking.

Josh must've noticed because he laid a hand on my shoulder and I looked up to see him hovering over me from behind.

"Nervous?" He asked, sarcasm in his voice.

"Very," I chuckled.

I heard Ellen's voice and knew that it was almost time for us to go on. I looked at Josh and he kissed my forehead.

"You're on boys," a guy with headphones said.

We nodded and followed him. He brought us to a staircase and then we just had to wait.

"Today we have some very special guests, please welcome Josh Ramsay, Mike Ayley, Matt Webb and Ian Cassleman." Ellen said.

The guys walked out and the crowd cheered. I had to wait backstage until it was my time.

"We actually have another guest here today, Victoria would you come out here?" Josh said.

I smiled and started to walk out. The crowd smiled and cheered and clapped, which made me smile even wider.

I walked over to Josh and the guys and sat down between Josh and Matt. I smiled at Ellen and she returned the favour.

"So, Victoria," Ellen said. I nodded in response. "What's it like living with Marianas Trench?"

I thought for a minute. "Interesting," I said, making the crowd laugh.

"Interesting eh? So tell me, what happens during a day in your house?" she asked.

"Well, Josh wakes me up way too early first of all," I explained. "and really all that happens is we go places sometimes and some days we stay home and watch movies."

Ellen asked the guys some other questions and I kind of just zoned out. I was just looking around and waved at a fan in the crowd now and then. The interview went by pretty fast.

"Thanks for being here boys, and good luck on your new album." Ellen said. New album?

The guys and I left and walked backstage again. I must ask them about this new album. They didn't tell me about it.

I was about to ask when someone butted in. I closed my mouth again and just sat on the couch and waited to go back on the bus.

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