34: Interview?!

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*Victoria's POV*

"I taught myself," I said truthfully.

"But- how did- when did- you just- huh?!" Mike exclaimed, making me laugh a little.

"At the orphanage there was a television. It was quite old and broke a lot but sometimes I would hear piano songs on there and i'd teach myself how to play them." I explained.

"You could remember exactly what it sounded like?" Ian asked looking amazed.

"Pretty much," I shrugged.

"You're incredible," Josh gaped.

I chuckled. "I wouldn't go that far."
We got back on the bus and sat on the couches. Mike turned on the TV and I instantly sat up, making Josh's arm fall off of my shoulder.

"What is it V?" Ian asked.

I pointed to the TV with my mouth and eyes wide open.

"Oh my god," Josh whispered.

On the TV was a picture of me playing the piano tonight on stage.

"Tonight at a Marianas trench concert, Josh's daughter Victoria played incredible piano music for the fans. The fans were amazed at her piano skills," The News guy said.

"I told you you were incredible," Josh said. I turned around to face him and saw him smiling at me.

I saw my phone buzz on the island and walked over to pick it up. It then started buzzing again, and again, and again. I laid it back down and it buzzed so much that it sounded like one big buzz.

I picked it up again and realized that they were all tweets. I looked at the tweets and they were pretty much all congratulating me about the News thing.

I set my phone back down and went over to Josh, I stared at him and he looked at me weirdly.

"Yes?" He chuckled.

"Tag!" I yelled, hitting his arm. "You're it!" I ran out of the bus.

"Oh you're on!" He exclaimed and started running after me.
-the next morning-

I woke up to hear Josh talking on the phone in the lounge. I rolled over and pushed the sheets off of me, climbing down the ladder.

I slid the door open and Josh turned his head go look at me, he smiled. He said bye to the person on the phone.

"Who was that?" I asked, sitting on the couch.

"Management, we have an interview tomorrow." He said, putting his phone down.

"Oh man, am I gonna be all alone?" I chuckled.

"No, you're coming with us." He smiled, sitting next to me.

"Serious?!" I asked, perking up.

He chuckled and nodded.

"This is so cool! I have to tell Delilah!" I sprinted towards the bunks. I heard Josh laugh and could imagine him rolling his eyes.

I grabbed my phone off of my bunk and lid down on Josh's bed. I unlocked my phone and started to text Delilah.

V- Delilah! Guess what!!

D- what's up?

V- I'm going to an interview tomorrow!

D- are you getting a job or something? I thought your dad was famous XD

V- ugh, no! A Marianas trench interview!!!!!


V- dope? XD

D- dope.

I rolled my eyes and said bye, then stared at the bottom side of my bunk until I heard Josh calling me. The door opened.

"Why did we stop?" I asked. "We don't have a concert until Wednesday."

"Look outside," Josh smiled.

I turned around on the couch and looked outside.

"Oh my god we're at a playground get out of my way!" I pushed Josh out of the way and ran out the door making him laugh and follow me.

A/N sorry it's short I promise I'll make the next one better ;)

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