53: Heroin

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*Victoria's POV*

Once the awards were over, there was a big dinner. We were escorted to our table which only consisted of the guys and I. I ordered salmon and a Coke.

About half way through dinner, I looked down to check on Snowball. The only problem was, she wasn't there.

My eyes widened as I started to look around the floor, still seeing no sight of her.

"Snowball?" I whispered.

"Victoria?" I heard Josh say, and popped my head back up from under the table, my hair falling into my face while doing so. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"Umm..." I said, fixing my hair. "Just... Inspecting the... Floor.." I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion of my own sentence.

"Inspecting... The floor." Josh raised an eyebrow.

I nodded. "Yeah!" I sat up straight. "It's a very nice shade of..." I -not very subtly- looked at the floor. "Red."

"I see.." Josh said.

We continued eating until I finally saw Snowball in the corner of my eye. I turned my head to the side, and there she was peeking out from under another table.

I turned my attention back to the table and coughed, getting their attention. "I'm just gonna.. Go to the bathroom." I said, standing up.

"Okay," Josh said.

I started walking in the direction of the bathroom until I felt that nobody was looking, and then I got onto the floor and started crawling toward the table that Snowball was underneath.

The carpet wasn't a very nice texture to crawl bare legged on, it was very rough. Once I reached the table, I realized who was sitting there. Black Veil Brides.

Looking up, I saw Andy. I tapped his leg and he quickly looked down, smiling when he noticed it was me.

"Victoria?" He said.


"Why are you on the floor?"

"Well... My rabbit just came over here sooo...." I said.

Andy pulled his chair out and looked underneath the table, where Snowball was sitting. She looked at us and wiggled her nose, making me and Andy laugh.

I grabbed her and stood up again, looking into Andy's eyes. It seemed like hours until CC finally broke the silence.

"Are you lovebirds going to stare at each other forever?" He asked.

Me and Andy looked at him and chuckled slightly, blushing.

"I'll see you later," I said to Andy.

"I'll text you," he smirked. That damn smirk.

"Okay.." I blushed, looking down. "Bye," I walked back over to our table.

I sat down on my chair and made sure that Snowball was safely tucked away in my purse. Thankfully she was. I looked up and saw four sets of eyes all looking at me.

"Yes?.." I asked, slightly freaked out.

"Oh nothing," Josh said, narrowing his eyes at me.

After the MMVA's, we headed back to the bus. It was quite late, around 12:30am.

I made Josh carry me back to the bus because I was tired after the eventful night. He didn't hesitate, as I don't ask him to carry me a lot anymore.

He brought me into the bunks and laid me on his bunk, grabbing some of my pyjamas out of my bag and laying them next to me.

"Thanks," I smiled sleepily.

"No problem," he replied, walking out. "Love you," he smiled.

"Love you too," I said.

He closed the sliding door and I undressed and put my pyjamas on. I crawled into Josh's bed as I was too lazy to climb the ladder to my own. And his smells good. Don't judge me.

I slept for about an hour before I woke up. I sat up and looked around the room. Matt, Mike and Ian were all asleep, but Josh wasn't here. I stepped out of Josh's bed and looked at my bunk to see if he was there, but still nothing. I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion.

I turned around and a light coming from the door caught my attention. I squinted my eyes at the light and walked over to the door, sliding it slowly open. I stepped quietly out into the lounge.

Josh was still nowhere to be seen. I looked out the window and realized that we weren't moving. Maybe he's outside?

I walked over to the door and slipped my uggs on my bare feet. I opened the door and stepped down the stairs. I looked to my left, nothing. But when I looked to my right, my eyes widened.

"Josh?" I said, my voice small and squeaky.

Josh, sitting in the dirt still in his tux from earlier, looked up at me. His eyes were dark and there were big circles underneath them. His whole face was droopy and pale. Breathing heavily, cigarette in hand.

I stepped onto the ground, my boots making a cracking down under me as I stepped on the rocks. I walked over to him and slid down the side of the bus next to him, throwing my head back and staring at the stars.

I turned my head to look at Josh and watched as he put the cigarette to his lips and sucked in the smoke. Removing the cigarette, he blew the smoke into the air, making me scrunch up my nose at the smell.

"Why did y-" his scratchy voice was cut off by a cough. "Why did you come out here?" He asked, swallowing deeply afterwords.

"I was worried about you," I said truthfully. He chuckled.

"Why do you do this to yourself?" I asked, lifting my head to look at him.

He shook his head. "I don't know," his blue eyes locked with my own. I looked down and sighed.

He breathed in. "You know the song, Lover Dearest?" He asked.

My head shot toward him. I nodded. "Yeah,"

He swallowed. "That song, I wrote it in rehab. Victoria, I was an addict. I did heroin for years. They made me write a... Love letter sort of, to the drugs. And that is what that song is. It's my love letter, to the drugs. I knew you were going to ask about it." He explained.

I felt tears prickle in my eyes. "Well, at least you stopped right?" I said. He didn't reply. "You... Did stop.. right?" Josh looked down and sniffed.

"Josh.." My voice cracked.

"I'm so sorry Porcelain," he said, his voice squeaky. I scooted closer to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close. I watched as he threw his cigarette into the dirt.

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