21: Delilah

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*Victoria's POV*

Suddenly, I bumped into someone and fell on my butt.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" They exclaimed.

I looked up and saw a girl about my age with her hand out to help me up. She had red-orange hair and freckles on her nose and upper cheek. Her hair was straightened, it was much shorter than my own, it went to her collarbone.

I grabbed her hand and stood up, she was the same height as me too.

"I'm Delilah," she smiled sweetly, putting a hand out for me to shake.

I shook her hand. "Victoria," I said.

"So, what do you like to do for fun?" She pretended to hold a microphone up to my mouth.

I laughed and spoke into the "microphone". "Well, I like to listen to music and eat food."

"Oh my god me too!" She wrapped her arms around my neck. "We're going to be best friends forever!"

Delilah and I soon started walking to class. We also realized that we were in all the same classes.

We made it to the classroom, and sat in the back of the class in the corner. I didn't tell her about my "family" yet, because, well this is my first real friend.

"So, Victoria. Play any instruments?" Delilah asked. I blinked and looked at my hands.

"I used to play a little piano, but now.." I trailed off.

"Oh, I play a little guitar." She said shrugging.

"Cool, cool." I said nodding.

Suddenly, a man walked in wearing a grey suit. "Settle down, settle down." He announced. The class quieted.

He said a few things about fire safety and all that, and I soon got bored and started doodling on my notebook.

"...I hear we have a new student today," he continued. "Victoria,".

I froze and stared at my pencil, I slowly lifted my head and looked at everyone staring at me. I smiled and little and then the teacher started talking again.

"Victoria, would you like to stand up and introduce yourself?" He asked.

I stood up, my chair making a quick squeak as I did so, and cleared my throat.

"Ugh..." I said. "Well, my name is..." I paused. Should I tell them my last name? What've I got to lose...

I swallowed. "My name is Victoria Ramsay, I'm eleven years old." I stopped and looked at the teacher for help.

"What do you like to do Victoria?" He asked.

"Um... Well I like to sing a little I guess.. And I play piano a little.." I said kind of quietly.

"Is that so?" I nodded. "Would you sing something for us?"

My breath hitched in my throat and my heart skipped a beat.

"Ugh... Well I don't have any music... And erm... I have a cold.." I coughed.

"Oh, well maybe some other time." He smiled sweetly. I nodded and sat back down quickly, catching my breath once again.

After a few seconds, my phone vibrated in my pocket. It was Delilah. We exchanged phone numbers in the hallway.

D- what was that all about?

V- nothing... I have a cold

D- 😑Victoria I know you don't, now what was that really about?

V- I don't like singing in front of people, I'm just not good at it. Stage fright I guess.

A hand slammed down on my desk and my head shot up. Oh no.

"Mrs. Ramsay. What do you think you're doing?" Mr. Grey Suit said.

"Ugh..." I said, looking up at him in fear.

He put his hand out and I put my phone in it, he did the same to Delilah. We looked at each other and rolled our eyes as he walked back to his desk.

He opened a drawer and put our phones inside, then closed it again. Class was pretty boring, since it was the first day all we talked about school safety and stuff like that.

I ripped the corner off of a sheet of paper, and wrote a note on it for Delilah.

'this is boring. wanna go to the bathroom?'

Mr. Grey Suit turned around to write something on the board and I quickly slipped Delilah the paper.

She unfolded the small paper and read it. She turned her head to look and me and we smiled at each other. I raised my hand and then Mr. Grey Suit turned around, seeing my hand in the air and pointing to me.

"Yes, Mrs. Ramsay." he said.

"May I go to the bathroom?" I lowered my hand to my side and Mr. Grey Suit nodded.

I stood up and walked towards the door. Before leaving, I looked at Delilah and smiled evilly, she did the same. I left the room and started walking down the hall, looking for the washroom. After a few seconds, I heard someone running behind me. I turned around and saw Delilah.

"You did it," I laughed as she caught up with me.

She nodded. "Yeah," she caught her breath.

We finally found the bathroom and walked in. Thankfully, there wasn't anyone in there. I reached in my pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper and a small pen. I unfolded the paper and started writing on it.

"What're you writing?" Delilah asked, peering over my shoulder.

I showed her the paper. She read it and laughed. The paper said 'Out of order'. I walked over to the door and opened it, faced with another girl who I obviously startled.

"Sorry, out of order." I said, sticking the paper on the door.

As the door was closing, I saw her turn around and walk away slowly.

"So, what do you wanna do now?" I asked Delilah.

"I don't know. What do you wanna do?" she asked, leaning against the counter.

I thought, then smiled evilly, looking at Delilah, and then at the stalls. Delilah followed my eyes and then looked at me in fear.

"Ohhhhh no..." She said.

"Ohhhhh yeah," I nodded.

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