64: The Dress

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*Victoria's POV*

We entered the stadium and headed to the dressing room. Once inside, I plopped down on the sofa and let the guys get ready. I took my phone out of my pocket and let it scan my thumb, then went on twitter. Everyone tweeting me seemed to be asking if I was singing with Josh tonight, which I wasn't sure about either now that I think about it.

"Josh?" I said all of a sudden. He turned his head and looked at me.

"Yeah?" He replied while pulling a shirt over his head.

"Am I singing with you tonight?"

He shrugged. "Want to?" I nodded. "Okay, go get one of the girls to get you ready."

I looked at my phone and sent out a quick tweet.
'Sure am!'

I walked over to one of the girls that work in the Dressin' Room and they started doing my makeup and hair.

One of the girls was doing my eyeshadow when Josh said something.

"Hurry up beauty queen!" He chuckled.

"I am GORGEOUS!" I announced with both of my eyes closed. The guys laughed.

When my makeup and hair were done, the rest of the guys had already left the room. Josh was sitting on the sofa waiting for me, with his skinny jeans and a leather jacket sort thing. He had his black eye makeup on as well.

I thanked the girl that did my makeup and then she left too. I walked over to the stand up mirror and admired my look. My makeup was purple eyeshadow with a matching purple matte lipstick. My hair was curled with a big french braid on the side. I saw Josh walk up behind me in the reflection. He was smiling.

"What?" I giggled.

"I have something for you," he said, walking toward the closet. My eyebrow furrowed.

I turned and watched as he pulled out a beautiful white lace dress with a big black bow on the front. My mouth dropped open.

"Close your mouth you're gonna catch flies." Josh chuckled, placing his hand under my chin and pushing my jaw closed. Then he let go and my mouth dropped again. He laughed.

"That's not all," he said in excitement, reaching back into the closet and pulling out some matching black high heel shoes with little bows on them as well.

"Josh..." I said in awe, touching the dress. "Thank you!" I wrapped my arms around him and he put his arm around my back, still holding the dress in his hand.

"Okay okay enough lovey-dovey stuff, get dressed we have to go!" He said.

I nodded and took the dress and shoes from him, then skipped into the little bathroom to change. I locked the door and started changing. Once I had the dress on, I slipped on both of the shoes, almost tripping over in the process. I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror, flattening out the dress with my hands. I smiled and opened the door.

Josh was sitting on the couch waiting for me while scrolling through something on his phone. When he heard my heels hitting the floor his head popped up, and he smiled when he saw me.

"Wow." He said, standing up and putting his hands in his jeans pockets.

"It's beautiful." I said, turning to the mirror and admiring the dress.

"Shall we?" Josh put his arm out.

I laughed, wrapping my arm around his. "We shall."

(Sorry for the short chapter)

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