25: Christmas!!

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*Victoria's POV*

That night I went to bed at 11:30 or so. I was tired after all that Christmas decorating.

I was currently laying on my back staring up at the ceiling. I wonder what kind of presents I'm going to get... Oh Victoria shut up you're so self centred! Maybe I won't get any...

I never really got many presents at the orphanage. Sometimes I didn't get any, the only thing I would get was extra desert.

Things I usually got for Christmas were either a few shirts or a book. Pretty boring if you ask me, but I wasn't greedy and I'm still not. Don't get me wrong, I long getting gifts, who doesn't? But I'm okay with not getting any.

I reached over to my night table and grabbed my phone. I turned it on and went on Twitter. I decided to write a tweet.

@ Victoria_Ramsay_
Merry Christmas Eve! I can't sleep XP anyone doing anything interesting?

I pressed Tweet and instantly started getting replies. I started reading down through them.

I locked myself in the bathroom with the Christmas cookies

I'm sneaking downstairs to eat all of the Christmas dinner left overs

I'm sleeping.

Twitter people were pretty boring. I guess it was because it was Christmas Eve and people are probably with their families.

I decided to go to sleep, so I laid my phone back on the night stand and rolled over.
I woke up pretty early the next morning. I rolled onto my back and rubbed my eyes, then grabbed my phone off of the night table.

I looked at the time and it said 9:00am. I yawned and let my arms flop down, closing my eyes one more time.

I then say up and pushed off the sheets, stepping out of bed and pulling on my Christmas pyjama pants that Josh gave me last night. I was also wearing a white tank-top.

I threw my hair up into a high messy bun and walked out of my room. I knocked on Josh's door, then on Matt's, then Ian's, then Mike's. Every time I knocked I would earn a grunt in return from behind the door.

I rolled my eyes and opened all of their doors. Mike was lying in bed with the most crazy hair ever, Matt was lying half way out of the bed to the point where one of his arms was hanging out of the bed and his hand almost touched the floor, Ian was actually lying half normal, and Josh... Well Josh was lying with his head at the foot of the bed and his feet on his pillows, he was lying on his chest and his right arm was hanging off the end of the bed.

His hair was messed up and he was wearing only light brown skinny jeans with no shirt. I laughed and ran into his room, jumping onto the bed and hopping around.

"Victoriaaaaaa," he whined, covering his face with his arms.

"Get upppp! It's Christmas!!" I exclaimed, hopping onto his back and hitting him playfully.

He chuckled and rolled over, grabbing me and making me squeal. He attacked me under his arm and got a firm grasp on me, and I couldn't move.

"Joooooosh!" I whined, trying to push his arms off me. He just smiled.

"I wanna open presents!!" I yelled.

"Fine," he groaned.

He stood up and I spread out on the bed, breathing deeply. "I can breath!". Josh chuckled.

Suddenly, Matt appeared in the doorway. "Are we gonna open presents or not?!" He exclaimed.

I nodded and smiled a toothy smile as I rolled off the bed. I ran over to him and jumped on his back.

"Away!" I pointed a finger in the air. He laughed and jogged down the hall and downstairs. All of the other guys followed.

The living room came into view and my mouth dropped. I expected a few presents, but this looked like hundreds! Okay maybe not that many but still...

"Holy sh- ugar..." I smile at Josh who glared at me.

I jumped off Matt's back and ran over to the tree. I sat down on the floor and started looking through all of the bags and boxes.

Josh, Matt and Mike sat on the couch and Ian sat on the recliner. I looked up at Josh.

"Go ahead! Open 'em up!" He exclaimed and I smiled hugely.

I started ripping the paper off of a box that said 'From: Santa Claus'. I chuckled and continued to rip through the paper.
It was now about 3:00pm and Josh and I were sitting on the couch watching Christmas shows. I had my head on his shoulder and he had his arm wrapped firmly around me.

"Josh," I said, not looking up from the TV.

"Yes Porcelain?" He replied.

"This was the best Christmas I've ever had," I said.

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