49: A Pet?!

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*Victoria's POV*

"You have to apologize to Andy," I said while putting peanut butter on my toast.

"What why?!" Josh exclaimed, looking up from his phone.

"Because you beat him with a newspaper!" I laughed, turning around and using my crutches to walk over to the little table.

"Ugh.." Josh groaned, throwing his head back into the couch. I shrugged.

"Do we have a shoot today?" I asked while taking a bite of my toast.

"Nope, we gotta free day. Whatcha wanna do?" He asked.

"Hmm..." I thought. "What if we get a fish?"

Josh looked up and raised an eyebrow. "What?" I asked giggling.

"Where the hell did that come from?" He laughed.

I shrugged. "I don't know, it could be fun."

"A fish huh?" He asked, I nodded, eating more of my toast. "Well, I guess we could get one."

"Yay!!" I yelled, throwing my arms into the air, making Josh laugh.

Once I finished my breakfast, I hopped back into the bunks and picked out an outfit. I thought about the fish, this is gonna be fun. I know a fish sounds boring, but I've never had a pet before.

I decided to wear a Marianas Trench T-Shirt, some jean shorts with red suspenders, and my purple converse. I also put a purple SnapBack on backwards.

"We should sign your crutches," I heard Josh say from the doorway, making me turn around.

"Yassss betch," I said in an annoying voice.

"Hey! Don't curse!" Josh smirked while pointing a finger at me. I smiled innocently and continued putting a Marianas Trench phone case on my phone.

"Hey Josh.." I said while slowly hopping closer to him.

He raised an eyebrow. "Yes......"

"SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT!" I yelled while hopping (as fast as I could with crutches) out of the bunks. Mike, Matt and Ian were now in the lounge sitting on the couch and chairs on their phones. They looked up when they saw me galloping towards the bus door.

"SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT..." My voice trailed off as I exited the bus.

As the door was closing, I heard Matt say "What just happened?" Which made me laugh to myself.

I entered the bus again and put my crutches back under my arms, I can go up stairs without them. I just need to use them when I'm walking.

"Can we go now?" I smiled, out of breath.

"Where are we going?" Ian asked. As if on cue, Josh walked in, his feet scuffing off the floor as he walked. He smirked at me, making me giggle.

"She's horrible," Josh laughed, leaning against the countertop.

"You're her father, it's your fault!" Matt punched Josh's should let playfully from his sitting position on the couch.

"Who's side are you on?" Josh narrowed his eyes at Matt, making me stifle a laugh, I covered my mouth with my hand.

"What are the choices?" Matt smirked, pushing the conversation.

"Well," Josh started, looking up as he thought. "There's team JDawg, and Team FuckNut."

My mouth made an 'O' as the guys laughed.

"Rude!" I giggled. "Okay well, who's on Josh's team?" I asked, crossing my arms. The guys all looked at each other as Josh raised his hand confidently. "Who's on my team?" I giggled, Matt, Ian, and Mike raised their hands.

I started laughing like crazy and Josh's mouth formed an 'O'. Once my laughing fit finally died down, we started talking again.

"So, are we going now?!" I asked impatiently.

"You've asked that question two times and I still don't know what you're talking about." Ian exclaimed, making me smile.

"Josh said I can get a fish!" I threw my arms up in the air.

"You can barely take care of yourself," Matt laughed, not looking up from his phone.

"That's why I have Josh." I stated proudly, crossing my arms.

"Can we go? Can we go? Can we go?!" I jumped up and down, making everyone chuckle.

"Okay, I'll tell the driver." Josh walked past me, patting my head in the process. I scrunched up my nose and fixed my hair.

Suddenly, the bus started moving again. Once the bus stopped, I looked out the window and saw that we were at a PetSmart!

"Yay yay yay yay yay yay!" I hopped up and down, well, using the crutches of course.

We walked into the pet store and I looked around. Immediately, something caught my eye.

"Woah.." I breathed, hopping over to it.

I put my hands on the top of the big class cage and looked over, staring at the cage full of bunnies.

"I don't think so," Josh said from behind me.

I turned around and saw him crossing his arms, smirking at me.

"Please?!" I begged, folding my hands together in a begging position.

"A rabbit Victoria?" He asked, dropping his arms to his sides and walking over to me, looking at the bunnies that were all hopping and jumping on top of each other.

"Look how cute they are!" I exclaimed, pouting to a little black and white one.

"They look like little rats," Josh chuckled, making me gasp playfully. I hit his arm.

I kept looking at all of the bunnies when I finally saw the one. A little beige bunny, in the corner of the cage. His fur was short and fuzzy. He was the smallest out of all of the bunnies.

"Josh," I said, gaining his attention again, I pointed to the bunny. "He's the one."

"The little brown one?" He asked, making me nod.

"Can I help you?" A lady's voice asked, making me and Josh turn around. I looked up at Josh pleadingly, he sighed.

"We would like the little brown rabbit in the corner." Josh told the lady.

The lady was a little taller than me; then again, I am very short. She was about five foot three, and had dark blonde hair that was in a high ponytail. Her makeup was minimum, just some mascara and winged eyeliner. She was wearing a blue t-shirt that said 'PetSmart' on it, and some black skinny jeans. She was also wearing some beige Uggs. I noticed a name tag on her shirt as well, 'Caroline'.

"Sure thing," Caroline smiled sweetly. "Follow me. I just need to get a box to put him in so you can take him home."

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