51: I'm a Youtuber!

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*Victoria's POV*

"Hey," I said, looking back at the bunny cage.

"Hey," Josh replied, standing on the bottom bunk and leaning over my bunk.

"What's up?" I asked.

"We have an award show thing tomorrow night,"

I raised an eyebrow. "Which one?"

"The MMVA's"

(It's the Much Music Awards but I'm not sure if it's called MMVA's or not so just go with it :))))))) )

"Oh my god cool! I've never been to an award... Show.... Thingy." Josh laughed at me.

"It's at 5o'clock," he explained. I nodded.

"Okay," he kissed my forehead. "Goodnight sweetheart,"

"Night dad," I smiled. I saw him smile even bigger when I called him dad, as I rarely do.

-the next day - 3pm -

"Josh, where are my pants?!" Matt exclaimed as he marched through the bus in his boxers.

"I don't know Matt!" Josh muffled as he had a hair tie between his teeth.

Josh was sitting on the couch and I was sitting between his knees on the floor. I didn't quite know how to do hair, and after an hour of struggling on my own and ripping what seemed like a pound of my own hair out, Josh said he would do it for me. So right now that's what he was doing.

The whole bus was crazy, everyone walking in and out of rooms, people talking and yelling, the bunny on the floor- wait.. THE BUNNY'S ON THE FLOOR?!

"Why is Snowball out of her cage?!" I exclaimed, reaching for the bunny, who thankfully hopped into my lap.

"I thought she could use some fresh air," Ian shrugged, suddenly walking into the lounge.

"Oh my god," I scoffed, petting the rabbit.

"Okay, done." Josh said.

I felt the back of my head with my hand and smiled as I felt the silky texture.

"How did you get my hair so smooth?!" I exclaimed, getting up off the floor and running to the bathroom, half falling on my way there.

Josh laughed at my fail and said, "It's a secret,"

"Well you're doing my hair from now on!" I yelled from the bathroom as I examined my hair.

It was perfectly silky and curled a little bit as well. It's the nicest it's ever been.

"Oh, one more thing!" Josh walked into the bathroom and walked up behind me, placing a pink flower crown on my head.

"OH MY GOD YOU'RE AMAZING!" I hugged him, making him chuckle.

"Okay, I have one more surprise." He smiled.

I looked up at him. "What's with all of these surprises?! What's going on?! WHO DIED?!"

"No one died!" Josh laughed. "Go look in the bedroom."

I pushed past him and ran into the bunks. On the bed was a beautiful black dress, some black converse with spikes on them, and some sunglasses.

"YES!" I yelled. I noticed something else.

It was a tiny white dress with pink and red hearts on it for the rabbit! OH. MY. GOD.

After putting on my dress, shoes and placing the flower crown back on my head, I grabbed Snowball from my bunk and put the tiny dress on her. She didn't like it at first, but she warmed up to it. She looked so cute! I placed her back in her cage and walked into the lounge.

"Yeah but-" Josh cut himself off and everyone's eyes shot over to me. "Woah.."

I awkwardly opened the sliding door all the way, walking into the lounge.

"You look... Beautiful.." Josh said in shock.

I blushed. "Thanks,"

(Picture of all of their outfits on the side :3)

It was now around 4:00pm, so we still had about a half hour until we headed to the red carpet. I decided to sit on the couch and go on Twitter.

I opened the Twitter app and started scrolling through my feed. I kept looking through until I came across a tweet that caught my attention.

'@ toriramsay: you should make a YouTube channel!

I thought about it. It could be sort of fun I guess.

"Hey Josh?" I said, turning off my phone and looking at him.

"Yeah?" He looked at me.

"Can I make a YouTube channel?"

"I guess, if you want." He shrugged.

"Do we have a camera?" I asked.

Josh made a thinking face, "I think so, check in the cupboard up there." He pointed to a cupboard.

I stood up from the couch and walked over to the counter, climbing onto it. I kneeled up and opened the cupboard, and to my surprise there really was a camera!

"Got it!" I exclaimed, grabbing the small camera and jumping off the counter.

I spent the next 20 minutes creating my channel on Josh's laptop. My YouTube name was Tori Ramsay, I know, creative right?

"Hey guys!" I said as I turned on the camera. "It's Victoria and I know what you're thinking. 'Victoria, why are you making a YouTube video?' Well, I'm starting a YouTube channel now!" I made jazz hands.

"Let's go see what the guys are up to," I said, turning the camera towards the door and opening it.

I got on my stomach on the floor and starting inching my way into the lounge all secret like. I squirmed all the way into the lounge and pointed the camera at Josh who was still sitting on the couch. He looked down at me.

"Pardon my language, but what the actual fuck are you doing?" He smirked, making me giggle.

"Recording," I said simply. "Say hi." Josh waved at the camera.

Then the door opened and in walked Matt and Ian. I pointed the camera toward them and they looked down at me.

"Why are you on the floor again?" Matt chuckled.

"I'm a YouTuber now, say hi!" They waved at the camera as well, giving a small chuckle.

I stood up and pointed the camera back at myself.

"So right now we are getting ready for the MMVA's, it's very exciting." I said.

"There's gonna be food!" Josh chimed in.

"That's all that matters," I laughed. "Oh let me show you the rabbit, I got a rabbit yesterday."

I walked into the bunks and pointed the camera towards the bunny's cage.

"This is Snowball!" I said, Snowball looked at the camera and wiggled her nose.

"Okay well, I'll see you guys on the red carpet! Bye!"

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