1 Gerita /Usuk

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Germany and Italy

Germany waited on the sofa for his lover to come out of the bathroom. For the past 2 weeks the couple had been trying to get pregnant with no luck so far. He tapped his fingers against the coffee table as he anxiously awaited Feli to tell him if the test came out positive or not.

Ludwig jumped when he heard the door crack open and saw his italian lover walk out, staring at the test in his hands with a frown.

"What does it say?" He asked, fingers secretly crossed.

"Negative..." Feliciano mumbled, sighing and tossing the test onto the table as he let himself fall on the couch next to the german. "No baby."

Germany frowned, rubbing his lover's shoulders. "That's fine, we can try again." He suggested. Feliciano turned to him and grinned, leaning over to press his mouth against his hunky german's.

The bulky blond gripped his lover's shoulder, pushing him backwards until he was laying flat on the cushiony sofa. He gently poked his tongue into the italian's mouth, tasting the fresh pasta he had eaten at lunch. He could feel the smaller nation moan against his mouth as his tongue stroked the inside of the other's hot cavern. Ludwig dragged one hand down Italy's shoulder and back, creeping it to the front of his pants to press against the bulge that was quickly forming.

"L-Ludwig..." Feliciano whimpered, breaking away from the kiss as Ludwig's big, meaty hands groped and squeezed him through his pants. He could see a small smirk make its way over his lover's lips as that devious mouth traveled down to mark his neck, emitting another loud gasp from the helpless italian.

Ludwig's hands continued to massage the bulge, fishing into the cotton pants to get some skin on skin contact with his lover's member. While the german was at work pleasing his husbband, Italy began to rid himself of unnecissary clothes, throwing his top off and away from where the fun was to be had.

When Germany brought his head up from leaving bruises on Feli's neck to kiss the red head, the phone rang irritably on the end table.

With a loud, annoyed groan and a moan of dissapointment from Feliciano as the hand that was pleasuring him left, Ludwig grabbed the phone and answered angrily.


"Woah, Woah West! Why the need to sound so angry?" Came the voice of the awesome one himself.

"I'm not angry, I'm just...in the middle of something." Germany muttered, blushing while Feliciano stroked his face and chest.

"Well, you can go back to whatever you were doing after talking with the awesome me, it can wait right?" Prussia continued, making the bulkier german groan.

"Fine, Fine, what do you want?"

"I want you to come over, I have some news to tell you." Gilbert said, his voice sounding serious for once in his life making Germany wonder what could be wrong.

"Wait, you want me to come now? But I'm busy!" Germany shouted, making the small italian that was nibbling on his ear flinch.

"Just finish whatever your doing then come right over! This is really important!" His brother said before hanging up.

Germany let out a sigh and tossed the phone onto the table, massaging his brow between his thumb and index finger. "Gilbert wants us to go meet him..."

"Eh? Now? But Ludi, we were about to make babies!" Feliciano whined childishly, clinging to his lover's arm.

The german gave the other a longing gaze. "Then I guess we'll have to make this quick."

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