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Sweden and Finland

Finland was still sentenced to bed, Berwald worrying about him like a mother bear despite his reassuring. He managed to pass the time with their adopted son, Sealand; reading the boy stories, playing checkers and answering all the questions he could that the young micronation had about babies. He had managed to skip through the infamous 'Where do Babies Come From?' question only by promising the boy that he'd tell him when he was older. But Sealand, like most children, eventually got bored and decided to leave to pursue more entertaining business.

Tino giggled as he watched the boy run out of the room, shouting something about calling up Raivis.

"Guess it's just you and me Hana-Tamago." He said softly, rubbing the dog between the ears. She let out a playful bark and nuzzled into his touch which made the fin smile.

"Th'nk ag'n."

Tino turned his head at the sound and saw Berwald standing at the bedroom's entrance, half hidden by the door.

"Oh? You're home early Su-san." The fin asked, happy that his lover had come home.

"I w'nted to see y'." Sweden said, coming fully into the room and revealing a bouquet of soft colored lilies. "G't th'se f'r ya."

Finland blushed at the sight of the flowers, a smile playing on his face and brightening his features. "Oh Berwald! They're beautiful." He said, reaching out to gently caress the mass of flora. "But what's the occasion?"

"N' 'cc'sion, j'st w'nt'd to s'prise y'."

Finland burried his face in the flowers, a soft blush streaking across his cheeks. "Th-thank you."

The swede responded by lightly kissing the blond's forhead. "S' how're ya feel'in?"

"Much better thanks to you." Finland said in a slight chuckle, hand reaching down to lay flat on his stomach. "We missed you." We reffering to the unborn life inside him.

Sweden's lips twitched up into a smile and he leaned over to press a quick yet chaste kiss onto his lover's lips. "M'ss'd y' too, kara."

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