Rochu pt 2

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China woke up for the umpteen time that month, puking his guts out in the toilet, Russia holding back his long, silky hair.

"Uugh..." Remains of the dinner they had eaten that night disappeared down the drain as Russia flushed the toilet. He was glad he didn't have a weak stomach, but the pungent smell made his nose wrinkle.

"You are done, da?" He was responded with a nod from China, who was helped up by his lover. He led him back to their bed, and China sighed, rubbing his stomach.

"I don't get it, I keep puking all the time, and I think I have added a few pounds." It had been a few months since that glorious night they had first made love (And where Russia found out China's little secret, and was soon sworn to secrecy afterward) and continued to do so for the past three months.

"Are you sick?"

"Maybe. I don't know, aru."

"You should go to doctor, da? They will help my sunflower."

"Yeah... I'll see about it tomorrow."


China woke up and scheduled a meeting with the doctor that specialized with the nations, sworn to secrecy by the government. He was to go later that afternoon.

"Sunflower will be feeling better, da? The World Meeting will be coming up soon."

Shit. China had forgotten the meeting!

"Aiyah! The meeting!" Russia laughed.

"You are cute when you are flustered! I need to go deal with some business with that prick." (Prick= Read: General Winter. Russia hates him!) China blushed.

"I am not cute, aru!" He crossed his arms and huffed like a little four year old girl, which made Russia chuckle more. "And don't swear!"

"But you swear all the time when I-"

"AIYAH!" Russia laughed again. Being with China certainly made him a happier person.

"До свидания, немного подсолнечного." He kissed China on the forehead and left China sitting in bed.

I wonder what I will do today, aru...

His stomach lurched.


By the time he had finished puking, he had twenty minutes to get ready.

Aiyah! I am going to be late, aru!

China hurriedly put fresh clothes on, and left the house, getting into his car and driving off to the hospital.


"Wang, Yao, Doctor Igalboc will see you now." China stood up, ignoring the giggles of hormonal American teenagers who laughed at the word "Wang" as he walked by, and followed a nurse to a room deep in the hospital, where no prying ears could hear.

"I am Nurse Iafu, I have also been chosen by the government to care for nations. Just thought I should let you know." The nurse was a pretty young girl, with long, black hair that sashayed down to her waist, and bright, shimmering, blue eyes. She was at least an inch shorter than China. "So..." She looked around, making sure that no other person could hear, "So, you really are a nation? A country?" China nodded.

"Yes," He checked to make sure nobody was around (can never be too careful in a hospital, there are people everywhere) and he leaned forward, to whisper in her ear. "I am the country of China. We just use our human names in the presence of other humans." He quickly retreated and continued to follow her. She seemed delighted.

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