Rochu 3#

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Russia and China

Alright. It was the World Meeting. China had arrived with his boyfriend, and...well...

Well, how were they going to tell them China was pregnant? He couldn't just start saying he was getting fatter, dammit!

"Um...Russia? I don't feel good about this..."

"It will be alright, I promise. I will be with you." China smiled and walked in. The baby bump wasn't all that noticable, but it did stand out a bit if you looked at China from the side. China and Russia walked into the meeting room, America, France, England all fighting, while Switzerland was pointing a gun at Austria, his little sister trying to stop him. Italy was trying to calm down Germany who looked like he was about to have his head explode, and Spain was trying to get Romano to sit in his lap.

Yep. Sounds about right.

Russia led China to a seat next to his, and they sat down, holding hands under the table. Suddenly, Belgium and Hungary were both behind them, giving China a bit of a scare when they both went,


"Aiyah! Oh, ni hao. What do you two want?"

"They both looked at each other and giggled, before looking back at China, leaning close to him. Russia watched, ready to attack if he needed to. China was getting freaked out.

"When is the baby due?" They both whispered, eye gleaming with joy.

"Wh-what?! How do you know about tha-"

"You are absolutely glowing."

"Women have baby sense."

They answered one at a time. China just looked at them.

"Ok then...?" Hungary and Belgium did a quiet fangirl squeal.

"So, are you a hermaphrodite? Who got you pregnant?" Asked the ever searching for yaoi Hungary.

"Ahem. I think that is enough." Russia cut in.

"Congrats you two." Belgium said, as she and Hungary both giggled and walked away.

"Aiyah, is it that notable?"

"No...they are just odd..." Agreeing with the answer, the meeting soon started.


They were at the part of the meeting where if they wanted to talk about anything else (personal crap), they were to speak then. Most people left at this point, but Belgium blocked the door.

"WE HAVE ONE MORE ANNOUNCEMENT, PEOPLE!" Hungary yelled, causing everybody to look at her. She winked at China.


China looked at Russia desperately, wanting him to stop her, but Russia was just looking in horror.

"What? We want to leave!" Said America.

"After this announcement, I don't think you will!"

"Well? Get on with it!" England said.

"No, aru!"

"CHINA IS PREGO! WHOO!" Hungary, who had been standing on the table, ran over to China, lept off, and hugged him, getting a death glare from Russia, but ignoring it. Everybody's jaw dropped.

"W-w-whaaaaaaaaaaaa?" America dragged out. Hungary just giggled.

"HOW THE BLOODY HELL DID YOU GET PREGNANT?!" England yelled. China blushed and sunk lower in his seat, wishing that somebody would kill him now.

"He's a hermaphrodite!" Belgium answered. Everybody looked at China in shock, who tried to hide behind Russia.

"YO, YOU'D YOU BOTTOM TO?" Prussia yelled.

"From the way he is hiding, I would say Russia, correct?" Said France.

"Da." America had fainted. Switzerland was covering his sister's ears, while Austria was looking at them with no amusement whatsoever. Belgium, Hungary, and Italy were all fangirling. Everybody else looked at them with their jaws hitting the floor.

"A-aiyah...stop staring..."


China was five months in. He insisted that he continued to cook, but Russia insisted that he cleaned. They were thinking of good names for their child.

"What about Chen?"


"No, aru." They had decided, that if it were to be a girl, China would decide the name. A boy, Russia. China was making dinner and Russia was sitting at the table, but came up and hugged China when he was stirring the food.



"How about Иосиф?"

"No, aru... what about Daiyu?"


China snapped a bit. "DAMMIT, WHY CAN'T WE PICK THE NAMES!?" He started to cry. MOOD SWING! OH NOES! Russia was bit shocked, but held him close.

"It's ok...we have another three months to decide..." China sniffed.

"Can we pick later?" He said in a very moe uke voice.

"Da." He leant down and kissed him.

This led to horny maternal sex.

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