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Italy and Germany

Germany waited outside the bathroom patiently for probably the seventh time that month. He never knew trying to get his lover pregnant would take so long, for everyone else it seemed like it happened so quickly but for his little italian it was taking quite a long time and this was making the german a little anxious.

His ears perked up when he heard the sound of the bathroom door opening. He quickly turned around, curious to see if their hard work had finally paid off. Germany knew the moment he saw Feli glaring at the pregnancy test with pure hatred that the results had turned out negative once again. He let out the breath he hadn't even realized he was holding and went to comfort his lover.

"It's alright, liebe, we can try again later." The german cooed, kissing softly at his lover's head.

"Why is it taking so long Ludwig?" Italy mused, his voice low and filled with depression. "I don't understand, we've been trying for a while now..."

Germany pressed his lips together in a thin line as he continued to stroke his lover's hair. It had been a little more than two months since the red head had found out about his brother's condition and had insisted on the two of them having a child aswell, but the problem was they had yet to conceive a child. Germany had heard of cases where it took years for conception but with all their persistance, he thought with a blush, surely there should be some sign of result?

"I'm sure its only mischance. We just need to try a little harder." Germany said, leaning forward to press a kiss to the italian's lips.

Italy accepted the soft kiss but stopped the blond's hands when they wandered down his chest.

"I'm not really in the mood right now..." Italy said, catching the german off guard.

Usually Italy was the one instigating sex and now with his goals of having a child he didn't understand why the other was refusing him, although he obeyed and settled for stroking his lover's arm in long, comforting motions. Italy made a face of discontent and then cradled his head in his hands.

"I'm actually not feeling well Lud...could you run a bath for me?"

Germany nodded, giving the italian one last, soft brush to the crown of his head before he left upstairs to get a bath ready for his lover.

A few more weeks had passed since their seventh failed attempt at conception. Italy was alot more cheerful lately then he had been before but his mood seemed to falter whenever Lovino and Antonio or Gilbert and Rederich came to visit, the slight roundness to the pregnant men's stomachs was evidence of the precious cargo they carried that the italian envied.

"Veee...Ludwig I'm not feeling well..." Italy whimpered, his hand hovering over his forehead as if to check for a fever.

Germany looked at the other with concern. He did look rather pale and green.

"Did you eat anything strange?" The blond questioned but the other shook his head, no.

Suddenly, Italy lurched forward, hand covering his mouth as he sprinted towards the nearest washroom. Germany, a little taken aback, followed his lover closely behind. He cringed when he heard the other emptying whatever he once had in his stomach into the toilet bowl.

The german went to fetch his lover a warm, dampened cloth to clean him up, kneeling down next to the smaller nation to whipe his face clean with the towel. He noticed the look on the other's face, a look of hard thinking and realization, a look he didn't often see cross the red head's face.

"Germany I was sick." Italy said, an almost cheery tone to his voice.

"Er..yes?" The blond responded, confused by the joy in the italian's voice.

Suddenly arms flew around his neck and a body pressed closely to his. Germany sputtered for a moment, trying to register what was happening in his head.

"I was sick for no reason!" Feliciano hollered with glee, giving Ludwig the biggest smile he'd seen in a while. "Pregnant people get sick for no reason!" He deducted, and Germany finally caught on to why the italian seemed so overjoyed. A small smile tugged at his own lips as the smaller country hugged him.

Their hard work had finally paid off.

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