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Sweden and Finland

Tino opened his eyes, morning light seeping in through the thin curtains. He was greeted by his swedish lover's face but barely even flinched this time, having gotten used to this after being with the man for 3 years. Or perhaps it was that Berwald's harsh exterior had started easing up over the years he's known the fin?

"G-good morning." Tino blushed. He may have gotten used to Sweden's intimidating face, but the intense, silent stares still made him a little nervous.

"M'rn'n." Berwald mumbled, inching closer to the smaller country. Tino was still a little flustered but allowed the swede's arms to wrap around him. "D' y'u sle'p g'd?" He asked.

"Y-yes, very." Tino told his lover. Berwald's face was so close to his it was making him uneasy in a lot of ways. "Should I go make breakfast?" He offered, sitting up with his legs dangling off the edge of the bed.

"No, st'y." Sweden protested, grabbing the fin's arm and pulled him back down onto the bed. Tino landed with an 'oof' ontop of the swede with his arms resting flat against Berwald's chest. Tino's couldn't help but get ten times brighter at their position. He turned his head to the side to avoid Sweden's gaze but felt warm lips against his cheek.

"S-Su-san..." He moaned as the kisses were begining to travel down his neck, right against his ear. He felt the hot breath puff against the shell and shivered as Sweden's big hands felt him up.

'H-how can he be up for this after last night?' Finland thought, remembering the several rounds they had gone through throughout the previous night. Then again, last night it had been him who had initiated the first few times. And the times after the fifth round.

Tino was starting to feel hot and bothered, but not the usual kind he felt when Berwald started this. He felt hot, as in feverish and bothered as in there was a slight sick feeling in his stomach.

"B-Berwald, stop please." The fin pleaded, feeling dizzy as he pressed his open palm against Sweden to push him away. The swede gave him a confused look but Finland offered him a small smile.

"I'm just not in the mood right now, okay? Now come on, we need to get you and Hana-Tamago some breakfast." Finland spoke cheerily, turning his head to the fluffy, white lump curled up by their feet.

The small puppy raised its head at the mention of her name and rolled onto her back, paws in the air.

"Aww, so cute!" Finland chirped. Sweden looked at the dog and then back at Finland.

"Y'ur c'te too." He mumbled, causing TIno to blush.

"Th-thanks..." Tino stuttered, throwing the blankets off of him and stood up. He wobbled a bit as he felt dizzy all of a sudden.

'Must have stood up too fast...' Tino thought, holding onto the wall for support. "Well I'll be in the kitchen. Could you take Hana-Tamago out in the backyard?"

Sweden nodded, getting up and heading towards the backyard as Hana-Tamago followed him. Finland made his way to the kitched, turning on the stove and fetching a carton of eggs from the fridge. He cracked them and poored the yokes into the frying pan, head throbbing and feeling a bit dizzy.

'Maybe I'm coming down with something?'

As the eggs began to sizzle, the fin began to feel weeker and weeker, his knees trembling. This wasn't good, he felt like he was about to-

The world suddenly went back and Tino fell onto the floor with a loud thud. Sweden had entered the house at that moment with an over energetic Hana-Tamago bouncing and barking all over the place.

"T'no?" Sweden called when he heard the noise. Hana-Tamago barked, running into the kitchen. Berwald followed the pet, eyes growing wide when he saw Tino laying unconscious on the floor.

Finland blinked his eyes open, head still buzzing. He sat up, clutching his aching head and noticed he was back in his bed. Turning his head he saw Berwald sitting in a chair next to the bed, a relieved look over powering his usally stoic expression.

"Y'u ok?" The swede asked his lover, weeving his fingers through FInland's hay colored hair.

"U-umm...y-yes?" Finland said.

"Oh, so your awake." An unfamiliar voice said and Tino turned his head to see a man in a suit walk into his bedroom. He turned his head to Sweden, figuring he knew why this stranger was in his house.

"Y'u pass'd o't so I c'lled a doct'r."

"Yes mister Tino, your husband did say that." The doctor said, causing the fin to blush.

"I'm fine, really. I just probably didn't get enough sleep last night." Tino said, figuring he could leave out why he hadn't gotten enough sleep.

"That is partially the reason but I have some more news for you two."

Both heads turned to listen to what the doctor was about to say. Something else? What else could have caused him to faint like that other than exhaustion?

"It's my job to say congradulations in times like this, Berwald, mister Tino, you two will be expecting a baby."

Tino's eyes widened. A baby? Him and Berwald? Wait, he was pregnant?

"You mean, I'm pregnant?" He asked and the doctor nodded happily.

"Yup. Well, I have no more to say other than please try to take care of yourself so I'll be off."

Finland felt the bed dip under another weight and saw Sweden sitting at the edge of the matress, starting at him intensely like he usually did. Although this time felt a little...different. It was almost as if he wasn't merely staring but searching. Probably searching for Finland's reaction to the news.

The fin thought for a moment. He remembered a time when Sweden had brought up having kids and how he had said he'd love to have some one day. He also remembered how determined the swede has sounded when he said he'd do his best.

" 're y'u h'ppy?" Berwald asked his wife, body caging the fin in like a bird.

"Wh-wha? Oh!" Finland mumbled. His hand gravitated towards his stomach and rested there. No bump could be felt, yet, but there was a life in there somewhere. A sweet, tingling feeling was consuming him. He smiled at Berwald. He did feel happy.

"Yes, I am." Tino giggled, placing his small hand on Berwald's shoulder as his other continued to rest on his belly. He leaned into the swede for a kiss, just wanting to express this love he felt burning in his core.

He had always liked kids, he had always wanted kids, and now, without even having to ask Berwald had given him that.

"I'm very happy."

Who wants a Dennor

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