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Spain and Romano

"Fratello!" Italy saw his brother and imediatly flung himself around the other's neck. "I haven't seen you in forever!"

"Ugh! Let go of me bastard!" The older italian groaned, trying to pry the other off of him.

"Oh!" Italy finally let go, pulling away at arms length, eyes traveling down to the other italian's stomach. "Wow Lovino, your tummy is so big!"

Romano blushed at the statement, hand imediatly going to his swollen stomach. "I-I'm pregnant you idiot! It's not like I'm getting fat..."

"Awww, fratello's so self-conscious. It's cute." Italy cooed, clapping his hands together.

"I know. It's just adorable, isn't it Ita-chan?" Spain added, wrapping an arm around the brunet's stretched waist. "Lovi's always fussing about how his clothes won't fit him anymore."

"Shut up bastard!" Romano cried, smacking him upside the head. "Besides, why are you even here Feliciano? And why did you bring the potato bastard with you?" He asked, turning to his brother and glaring at the large german next to him.

"I came because I have good news!" Italy cheered, jumping up and down. "Ludwig and I are having a bambino!"

There was a pause as Romano slowly processed the information.

A baby...His idiot brother and that damned potato sucker that he married a year back were having...a baby?

The older Italy brother's face contorted from shock to anger, the Romano kind of anger.

"You're pregnant!" He screamed so loudly that Feliciano had to cover his ears. "With that bastard's kid!" He shouted again, pointing an accusing finger at the blond who gave a look that said he should have stayed home.

"Veee...Of course it's Ludwig's. If it wasn't then that would mean I cheated on him! I wouldn't cheat! Please believe me Lud, I know it's yours!" Italy cried, begging the german to believe his words. Germany sighed, rubbing at his brow and giving the older italian a look-what-you've-done-now face.

"Yes, yes Feli, I know it's mine." He sighed, lightly petting the top of the red head's hair.

Italy's whimper's quietted down at the german's...somewhat comforting words but Romano never ceased to resemble a tomato, head smoking in irritation.

"Aren't you happy fratello?" Italy asked suddenly, giving his brother the look of a kicked puppy. "This mean's we'll be pregnant together! You'll be an uncle, and our bambinos can play together!" The younger one chirped excitedly, forgetting his and his brother's spat entirely.

Romano's cheeks faded from an angry red to a light pink. He did feel a small swell of pride at the thought of being an uncle, even if it was that potato bastard's. He also found that it would be nice for his own kid to have someone to play with. Maybe it wasn't so bad...

"I-I guess I'll accept it then..." He mumbled, glancing away from his brother.

"Ve~!" Italy cheered, throwing himself at the other once again. "I'm so happy!"

"D-dammit Feliciano! Whatch it!" Romano shouted, smacking his brother on the head.

"Waaahhh! I'm sorry Lovi!" Italy cried, craddling his head.

"Don't worry Feli, Lovi just doesn't want the baby to get hurt." Spain put in, hand sneaking around the brunet's waist to rest a hand on the top of the round stomach.


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