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Sweden and Finland

"Mama, I want to go play outside with Hana!" Sealand whined, trying to pull away from the fin that was grooming him.

"Not now you don't, Peter." Finland said, keeping the young micronation in place. "Mathias, Nikolas and Emil are coming soon and I don't want you to get all messy." He said, reffering to the three other countries he considered family. Sealand let out a huff and crossed his arms.

After Finland had announced his condition, the other three countries insisted on coming over for a visit. It took a lot of convincing from Sweden to allow the dane into his home, but after much pleading and a little bit of persuasion on Finland's part, the family was going to be reunited for the first time in decades.

Finland sighed as he looked at his son's pouting face. "Tell you what, if you can keep yourself clean for the next two hours, you can play outside and Berwal and I will join you, ok?"

The small not-country's eyes brightened and his bushy eyebrows rose with excitement. "Okay!" He said, scurrying off upstairs.

"I d'n't g't a s'y?" Two, large hands wrapped around his waist and Finland nearly jumped in surprise.

The shorter of the two contries looked up and smiled when he saw his swedish husband, a warm feeling fluttering over his chest.

"I figured you wouldn't argue." Tino said. "If you knew what was good for you." He said, feigning a menacing tone.

Sweden smiled at the joke. It was like a puppy dog trying to be intimidating. He imagined Hana Tamago with a fierce look and couldn't help but let out a laugh.

Finland relished the throaty sound. He loved the rare occasions when he managed to pull a sincere laugh out of the larger country and not just a barely audible chuckle.

Decidint that Finland was being irresistable, the much taller swede leaned down to press a chaste kiss but like all cliched moments, was interrupted by a loud pounding on the front door.

"Yo! Bro! Open the door and land us in!" Came an all too familiar voice and Sweden pulled away from his 'wife' looking rather displeased and annoyed.

Finland gave his husband a look that said 'be nice', before waltzing over and opening the door. In no time, strong arms were around his waist and he was being lifted up off his feet.

"Tino! It's been so long!" Denmark crowed, hugging the pudgy nordic nation like one would squeeze an adorable kitten.

"Haha...I guess it has." Finland laughed nervously. He turned his head to the other two, quiter northern countries. "Emil, Nikolas, i've missed you both."

"Us too brother." Norway responded. "Right Ice?"

Iceland gave his usual groan as answer.

" Emil alright?" Finland asked curiously. The icelandic nation was usually quiet and stubborn and, for lack of a better term, rather tsundere, but even he seemed out of sorts.

Denmark finally let Finland back on his feet and turned to the two. "Don't worry about him, he's been like that for a while. I think it's because he got into a fight with Hong Kong or something." The dane rambled, not noticing the white haired nation twitch.

"Why would you say that?" Finland asked innocently.

"He went from hanging out with the guy 24/7 to not answering his messages. It gets pretty annoying when the boy calls five times a day asking; Like, why won't Ice answer the phone!" Denmark answered, impersonating the asian at the end.

"Sounds like a lovers quarell to me..." Norway put in his own two cents.

"Would you guys stop talking about my personal life!" Iceland suddenly burst, glaring at the four nordics.

The others stared at him, shocked by the sudden rage. Iceland felt akward by the tension he'd created and decided now was a good time to leave the room.

"I wonder what's up with him?" Denmark asked.

"I'll go check on him." Finland offered, going upstairs to see what was wrong with his 'little brother'.

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