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Germany and Italy

"You are! Oh fratello, that's great news! No, it's not terrible, it's good! You'll do fine, I promise. Alright, ti amo." Italy hung up the phone and turned to his lover. "Ludwig, Ludwig, guess what? Lovino's pregnant!" The italian cheered, throwing himself ontop of his lover. If Ludwig wasn't so used to this type of behavior he would have probably ended up spilling his cup of coffee.

Shocked slightly by the news he gripped the younger nation and quirked a brow. "Pregnant?"

The italian nodded with a big goofy smile. "Yup, he and Spain Nii-chan are going to have a baby. Isn't this great news?"

Ludwig thought for a moment. If his lover's brother was pregnant then that meant he wouldn't have time to pester him anymore. Perhaps this was a good thing. "Yes, I suppose."

Feliciano smiled and nodded, tightening his grip around the hunky German's waist. His face suddenly turned into a slight frown, his eyes drooping as if in deep thought, which if Germany had learned anything by now, was never a good thing.

"Neh, Lud?" Feli asked, eyes moving upward to look at his lover. The other nation hummed in response, lips pressed against the edge of the coffee mug as he took another sip. A hesitant look crossed the italian's face, making Germany curious as to what he was about to ask.

"Ludwig, why don't we have a baby?"

Ludwig nearly choked on his beverage, coffee spraying out of his mouth from the mere surprise of the question. "W-why? Well, I'm not really sure, I mean you'd have to be pregnant in order to get a baby..." By now, the blond man was just endlessly mumbling.

"Well...can we have a baby then?" Italy asked innocently, making Germany blink. Honestly, he hadn't expected his lover to bring that up, at least not for another good while. They had only been married for just over a year. Then again, wasn't this around the time families started having kids? Or was there even a waiting rule to begin with?

"I-I'm not against it, but what's with this all of a sudden?" The german stuttered.

Italy's expression turned serious as he layed his head against the older nations large, muscly chest. He simply stayed like that for a few moments, putting together words in his mind. He was putting a lot of preperation in this, something the small italian didn't normally do.

"It's just that, Lovino is having Spain's child and it makes me a little jealous that they love eachother enough to be able to go through that. All I want is to be able to make Ludwig happy and show him I love him by bearing his child." Feliciano spoke and Ludwig swore that this might be the most serious that the little country had ever been.

He wrapped his well built arms around Italy's slim shoulders and pulled him close to his chest, resting his chin on the red head's head.

"I love you already more than anything. You don't need to push yourself so much for me." Ludwig told him, letting the scent of Sweetness and Pasta fill his nose. It was his favorite scent because it reminded him of the small italian.

Feliciano couldn't help the smile that creeped its way unto his lips. He nuzzled his face in the german man's wamr chest, closing his eyes to fully enjoy Ludwig's own musky smell.

"I just want to make you as happy as I possibly can." He muttered, the steady heartbeat that filled his ears starting lull him to sleep.

"You already do." Ludwig muttered, softly kissing the top of Italy's curl. Feliciano stayed there, content in his Lud's arms before he looked up at him again.

"Could we still have a baby?" He asked hopefully. He really did want him and Lud to be parents. It's not fair that his brother would be the only one to enjoy that.

A small blush tinted Ludwig's cheeks. He was a little worried about what it would be like to have to pitter patter of little feet around the house but the idea excited him if only just a tad.

"I don't see why not."

Feliciano smiled and pulled his lover down by the collar of his shirt, pressing their lips together impatiently in a passionate kiss. Germany molded his lips against the italian's eagerly, reaching behind him to grab under the lithe boy's thighs and hoist him around up, legs twining around his waist for support.

Strong arms held the italian up as he was carried to the bedroom, where babies were surely to be made.

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