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Yay! the moment of redemption has come. Cause i just love to fangirl over Rochu!

Aiya..." China groaned, leaning back against the wall as the toilet bowl swallowed the mixture of water and vomit. "I can't even remember the last time I'd been sick like that, aru."

"Yao? Are you almost done in there? I want to take bath before it gets too cold." Russia called from outside the bathroom door.

"Give me a minute!" The chinese man yelled back, a little harsher than one might dare speak to the northern country. He turned on the taps and began rinsing his mouth and washing his face.

"What's wrong with me, aru?" He wondered aloud, staring at his reflection. The past few days had been filled with frantic trips to the bathroom to empty his stomach contents. Despite his history with illness and remedy, China really had no clue what could be up with him.

The door creeked open to reveal a large body topped with a head of creamy silver. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah..." China lied. "I'll let you have your bath now, aru." He turned to leave but a hand grabbed his arm, halting him.

"Why not take bath with me, da?" Russia offered in a sickeningly sweet voice. Even now it often frightened the ancient nation.


The two undressed as the warm water flowed into the tub. Russia's eyes were drawn to his lover's body as he watched the other strip off his shirt. A questioning look appeared on his face as he stared at the other's mid section. The platinum haired nation reached out to poke the elder's belly, making China jump up in a startled manor.

"Wh-what was that for, aru!" He scolded. Despite himself, he still sometimes felt that the other was out to get him. In more frightening ways than one.

"Have you gained weight?"

China, confused, looked down and saw that his once flat stomach hung over his waist band the tiniest bit.

"How strange, aru." China spoke aloud. "I havn't been eating irregularily or unhealthy."

Sure, he had the odd craving for something weird now and again but that couldn't have caused such a noticeable difference could it?

"Well worry about it later. Let's get in water before its cold, da?" Russia more demanded than asked as he pulled Yao into the tub with him.

"W-wah!" China cried out as he was tugged down into the large, porcelain bathtub with the larger country. "D-don't be so hasty aru..."

While in the bath with Russia, China couldn't help think about his strange morning routine and sudden weight gain. Perhaps the two were connected somehow?

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