Harriet Lily Potter

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Harriet Lily Evans sat in front of her mirror, she had just woke up from a good night sleep and was now thinking of what to do with her long red hair that she had inherited from her mother. Sighing, she just combed it and tied it into a messy bun.

Harriet had never known her parents, well she did but she doesn’t really remember them because they died in an accident when she was still very small. She was raised by her Uncle Remus, a very close friend of her parents, who was a werewolf. It was quite hard when the full moon turned up every month, her Uncle took the Wolfsbane Potion though, so he didn’t have very much problems, Harriet though always suggested becoming an illegal Animagus so she could help her uncle, but he always said no.

Harriet looked exactly like her mother, she was constantly told that. Except for her eyes though, her eyes were her father’s, they were hazel brown. She had her mother’s brains too and kindness, but at heart she was always like her father: a fun loving, mischievous, and Quidditch loving kid. She never let people step on her and belittle her, another thing her Uncle Remus says she got from her dad.

“Lily time for breakfast!” her Uncle Remus called, because of her looks her Uncle Remus sometimes calls her Lily, Harriet though is used to being called either any among her names it gets confusing explaining to people though when she introduces herself.

Harriet slid down the banister and ran to the kitchen, their house was just the right size for her and her Uncle Remus, and it was perfect in Harriet’s words if you asked her.

“Good morning Uncle Remus,” Harriet greeted happily as she sat down on her chair Indian sit style, her Uncle Remus smiled at her as he set out the table

“Good morning Harriet,” (see what I mean) he said as he sat down too, taking out a copy of the daily prophet which headline was about an escape in Azkaban Prison, Uncle Remus looked a bit sick and tired because of the last full moon, but overall he was fine. His robes’ condition wasn’t though, they were still quite shabby, Harriet actually tells him to get some of her money that her parents left for her to buy some new robes, but Uncle Remus never accepts it, he says her parents left them for her and not for him.

“There’s been a breakout in Azkaban?” Harriet asked, surprised as she drank down some pumpkin juice, Uncle Remus sighed and nodded “I thought that was impossible?” asked Harriet as she looked at the man in the picture, Sirius Black.

“Well apparently someone has escaped for the first time,” said Uncle Remus as he put away the newspaper

“The Ministry should try better,” said Harriet as she shoved mouthful of food into her mouth, she swallowed sloppily “If I were Minister of Magic, I would let werewolves get normal jobs like other people, I would make the security in Azkaban so intense no one could escape and, and, I’ll be the best minister ever!”

Uncle Remus laughed

“Yeah you would Harriet,” he said “but I’m pretty sure the Minister of Magic doesn’t sit like that during meals though,” he said pointing at Harriet’s legs that were still in Indian sit position “and the Minister should have table manners.”

Harriet then huffed and put her legs down; Uncle Remus then nodded and chuckled.  

“Well I have the brains for becoming the Minister!” she cried

“Oh really?” Uncle Remus asked disbelievingly

“Uh huh,” said Harriet smiling cockily which reminded Uncle Remus of her father “test me.”

“Okay then,” said Uncle Remus grinning as he sipped some of his coffee “what is the difference between an Animagus and a Werewolf?”

Harriet rolled her eyes

“Merlin Uncle Remus are you even trying to make it hard for me?” Harriet said cockily, Uncle Remus laughed “Well an Animagus can change at will while a werewolf has no choice, next please?”

“What is a Boggart?”

“A shape-shifting creature that takes on the form of the viewer's worst fear. When facing a boggart, it is best to have someone else along, to try to confuse it. Because of their shape-shifting ability, no one knows what a boggart looks like when it is alone, as it instantly changes into your worst fears when you first see it.”

“Very good,” said Uncle Remus “Well I guess I won’t need to help you much in class then.”

Harriet raised her eyebrows as she ate some toast, her messy red hair falling on her eyes

“What do you mean?” she asked as she munched on her toast

“Well I’ve got a job,” said Uncle Remus, Harriet listened attentively

“And it’s a Defense Against the Dark Arts Post teacher at Hogwarts,” Harriet was even more pumped up now

“And I’m taking you for your third year to Hogwarts.” Harriet froze and dropped her toast “Harriet? Are you fine? You’ll be able to say goodbye to your friends don’t –“

“ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!” She shouted happily, “I’VE ALWAYS WATED TO GO TO HOGWARTS! And don’t worry, I didn’t have much friends anyway, I’m more of a loner.”

Uncle Remus smiled

“Well I was planning for us to but your school stuff later, is that fine with you?” asked Uncle Remus

“Of course!” said Harriet as if that was a simple question “D’you reckon they’d allow me to try out for the Quidditch team? They do have a Quidditch team right?”

Uncle Remus laughed

“Of course they have one!” he said “Your dad was Chaser once when he was in our year.”

“Cool,” said Harriet happily “My Nimbus 2000 will come in really handy then, that old whack school you sent me to didn’t have a Quidditch team! Can you believe that?”

“Yes you’ve told me that Harriet,” said Uncle Remus “Loads of times actually.”

Harriet rolled her eyes

“Quidditch is life Uncle Remus! You of all people should know how much I value it,” said Harriet, Uncle Remus laughed

“This is why I never doubted if you were ever James and Lily’s daughter,” said Uncle Remus

Harriet Lily PotterWhere stories live. Discover now