Chapter Twenty Nine

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 Chapter Twenty Nine

The evening air blew Harriet’s face, luckily her long hair was in a high pony tail so it didn’t get too out of hand. She held on tight around Harry’s waist as they flew towards the Dark Tower, Buckbeak seemed to understand they were in a hurry, he was flying faster and faster.

“How far?” Harriet asked

“We’re almost there,” Harry replied; and he was right. It didn’t take long before Buckbeak landed; Harry and Harriet hopped off of him and broke into a run, the light of the full moon was enough to guide them towards one small cell where Sirius was, sitting in a dark corner.

Harry and Harriet ran towards the iron door; Harriet whipped out her wand and pushed past Harry

“I can do this,” she said before he could say anything “Alohomora!” Sirius tested the iron door. It was still locked; Harriet cursed. They were running out of time.

“Dunamis! Liberate! Annihilare!” She cried; different colors of light were flashing out of her wand as she tried spell after spell “Emancipare! No. No. No!”

“You might try –“ Sirius started, but Harriet tried something else once more; ignoring what he was about to say

“I got it!” she said; she took a step back “Bombarda!” The cell door rocketed to the sky

“That’ll do.” Said Sirius;

“C’mon,” said Harry “We’re running out of –“

“Time.” Harriet finished “I know.” The three of them then sprinted towards where Buckbeak was, got on and they flew out of the Dark Tower once more, only this time with Sirius who laughed as the wind blew his hair, Harriet couldn’t help but smile herself

“You truly are your father’s children!” Sirius said to both of them, Harry and Harriet both grinned and laughed

“Thanks!” Harriet said; grinning. It didn’t take long before they landed on the courtyard where the clock tower was, Harriet knew in only a matter of minutes it would chime thrice as it did when she and Harry were back in the Hospital Wing,

Harry jumped off of Buckbeak, then Sirius; then Harriet whom Sirius tried helping,

“I can manage.” She said and Sirius watched as she hopped off Buckbeak with ease, Sirius smiled

“You know Harriet, you may look like Lily but at heart… you’re exactly like James…” he said; Harriet grinned

“I get that a lot.” She said, as she stood next to Harry who was looking a bit sad. Harriet was starting to feel a little sad herself, it was time for goodbyes and she knew it.

“I’ll be forever grateful for this,” Sirius said “To both of you.”

“I want to go with you.” Harry said suddenly, Harriet was a bit surprised; Sirius just smiled and moved closer towards, he put a hand on each of their shoulders

“You’re meant to be here.” Sirius said to Harry “This is where you belong, with your sister.” He then looked at Harriet and back at Harry who smiled, Harriet knew he understood.

“Promise me something,” Sirius said “both of you.”

Harry and Harriet nodded

“Anything.” They said

“Trust yourselves,” Sirius said “No matter the challenges you face – And I fear there will be many – You’ll be surprised how many times you can find answers…” he then tapped his heart “here.”

“But wait,” Harriet said “Sirius, you… you can’t go… you’re innocent!”

“And you know it,” Sirius said to her “both of you know it. For now, that would be enough.” He then sighed and stared at both of them, he touched both of their faces and sighed once more, only this time with a smile on his face,

“I expect both of you are tired of hearing this, but both of you look so much like your parents, it’s like I’m staring at their old thirteen year old selves….” he said; Harry and Harriet both smiled “Except for your eyes… If the two of you exchanged eyes…”

“We would look exactly like them.” Harriet said; Sirius smiled and nodded

“It’s cruel that I got to spend so much time with James and Lily, while the two of you had so little.”Sirius said sadly, “But know this, the ones who love us never really leave us and you can always find them,” he then took each of their hands “in here.” He said holding Harry and Harriet’s hand over their hearts.

Sirius smiled at both of them and then walked towards Buckbeak; Harry and Harriet watched as Sirius mounted Buckbeak and look up at the night sky,

“A shooting star,” he said; he looked back at Harry and Harriet and winked “Make a wish.” He gave Buckbeak a slap and they then soared into the glittering night sky. As Harry and Harriet watched, the clock tower gave off its first chime, Harry and Harriet stared at each other

“We have to go.” They both said to each other. In a normal situation they would have laughed because they said the same thing, but their current situation wasn’t really normal. The two of them both broke off into a sprint and started dashing off back to where they were supposed to be, the hospital wing.

The clock tower bell was thundering, the hospital wing was only steps away. Harry and Harriet stumbled frantically towards the door just as the door opened and revealed the headmaster.

“Well?” Dumbledore asked as the door closed behind him

“He’s free,” Harry panted “Sirius, he’s free. We… we did it.”

“Did what?” asked Dumbledore smiling, Harriet stared at him; there was a twinkle in his eye and she knew he knew what Harry meant “Well, good night.” He said and he then walked away. Harry and Harriet looked at each other once more;

Harry looked quite confused; Harriet didn’t know what she looked like. Without saying anything, the two of them opened the hospital wing’s doors and caught the faintest glimpse of themselves across the room just as they evaporate. Ron who was lying on the bed just as before blinked

“How’d you two get over there?” he asked confusedly; Hermione who was standing over his bed just smiled “I was just talking to you… over there.”

“What are you talking, about Ron?” Harriet said innocently, she smiled and looked at Harry who grinned

“Always been a bit of the nervous type, Ron has.” Harry said, Ron just stared at them in confusion as both siblings grinned.

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