Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

“Hey Harriet you take Arithmancy class right?” Harry asked Harriet as they headed for their last Quidditch practice before their big game against Ravenclaw tomorrow.

“Yes, why do you ask?” Harriet said; eyeing Harry who looked worried as usual. He’s been looking stressed for the past few days. Harriet knew Harry only asked her that question to keep her occupied and to keep her from asking what was troubling him.

“Well it’s just Hermione…” he said “Ernie Macmillan says she’s never missed a single class but Arithmancy is the same time as Divination another class she takes… It’s really quite odd…”

Harriet had to admit, it was quite odd. She looked at Harry, who still looked troubled,

“I’ll try talking to her about it,” Harriet said still eyeing Harry for any reaction; he still looked worried “Harry… What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” He said “It’s just Hagrid’s case and Ron and Hermione aren’t talking to each other because Crookshanks killed Scabbers that’s all….”

Harriet gave her a look as they got out into the Entrance Hall

“Seriously Harry,” she said “What’s the problem? You look like you’ve just seen the Grim.”

Harry gave an involuntary twitch and that was when Harriet knew she just said what was bothering Harry. Harriet couldn’t help but laugh; she knew it was mean but she couldn’t help it.

“Are you even serious right now Harry?” Harriet asked after she had stopped laughing “The Grim? I bet you got that from Divination class. I told you that class was stupid. Trelawney is a fraud you of all people should have known that!”

Harry gave her a look

“I do know that!” he cried defensively; Harriet rolled her eyes

“Then why are you so worried about it then?” she countered

“Because that day we lost to Hufflepuff, that day I fell off my broom. I saw the Grim.” He said; Harriet snorted

“Oh please,” she said dismissively “It was just your imagination.”

“No it wasn’t!”

Harriet gave him a look

“Look Harry,” she said seriously “You’re just frightening and stressing yourself out. Those people who ‘saw’ the Grim and die they died of fright not because the Grim brought Death.”

Harry opened his mouth to make another argument; Harriet knew it was most likely Ron’s story about his Uncle Bilius who died twenty four hours after seeing the Grim. Harriet waved a hand dismissively and spoke up before her elder brother;

“I’ve seen the Grim too,” she said before he could say a word “It was that night when I hexed Malfoy and McGonagall caught me. The only thing bad that happened to me was I got detention and got twenty five points docked.”

Harry looked like he wanted to say more but eventually gave in. Harriet did have a point.

“Fine you’re right.” He finally said; Harriet then grinned triumphantly “Now c’mon we’re gonna be late.”

“Wait!” said Harriet “I need to get my broom.”

She ran towards the broom shed and pulled out Draco’s broom from the place where she used to put her own broom and ran back outside where Harry looked surprised at the sight of Harriet’s new broom; he thought she would be using one of the school’s Shooting Stars.

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