Chapter Twenty Six

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Chapter Twenty Six

Hermione screamed. Black leapt to his feet. Snape was slightly breathless, but his face was full of suppressed triumph; he disarmed both Uncle Remus and Black “Ah, vengeance is sweet.” He said, eyeing Black “How I hoped I’d be the one to catch you.”

“Severus –“ Uncle Remus started

“I told Dumbledore you were helping your old friend back into the castle,” Snape cut in “And here’s the proof.”

“Brilliant!” mocked Black “And – as usual – dead wrong. Now give us our wands back. Remus and I have a bit on unfinished business to tend to.” Black approached Snape; but then Snape put his wand to Black’s neck.

“Give me a reason.” Snape snarled; his yellow teeth bared “I beg you.”

“Don’t be a fool, Severus!” said Uncle Remus

“He can’t help it.” Black mocked “It’s a habit by now.” Harriet had to admit, she found what Black said quite funny.

“Quiet, Sirius!” said Uncle Remus, Snape clucked his tongue

“Listen to you two, quarreling like an old married couple.” He sneered “The creature and the criminal.”

“Don’t you dare call Uncle Remus, that!” Harriet said; even at the current situation where she was mad at Uncle Remus, she still found the urge to fight back among people who stereotyped him. Snape took one look at Harriet and looked away immediately. Black laughed bitterly,

“What? Can’t look at her?” Black taunted “It must be torture for you; to see the exact figure of –“

“I hear it’s unbearable to witness the Dementor’s Kiss,” Snape said loudly “but when I turn you in, I think I’ll do my best and watch.” Snape’s eyes hardened; he then gestured towards the door “After you.” He said; they had no choice. They then started to walk towards the door;

“C’mon Harry,” Harriet mumbled quietly to Harry who was staring at the table where his wand that Uncle Remus was using earlier lay. “Harry, what are you –“ but before Harriet could even finish, Harry had already bolted towards the table and in a flash the wand was in his hands.

“Expelliarmus!” Harry yelled; pointing his wand directly at Snape who soared into the air, with a loud thud hit the wall and slid down the stairs.

“Nice shot!” Harriet complimented; as she ran towards the door to see Snape at the foot of the stairs completely knocked out. Hermione thought differently though,

“Harry, you attacked a teacher!” she cried. Harriet walked back next to Harry who was staring grimly at Black,

“You say Scabbers is Peter Pettigrew…” he started “Show me.” He said; he then glanced at Harriet who nodded “Show us.” Uncle Remus and Black then turned to Ron; Ron held Scabbers protectively “What are you going to do to him?” Ron asked. Uncle Remus and Sirius exchanged a glance

“Together.” Said Black, with that Uncle Remus took out his wand and as one they casted a stream of blue-white light; for a moment Scabbers was frozen in mid-air, his small gray form twisting madly – Ron yelled – the rat fell and hit the floor. There was another blinding flash of light and then –

It was like watching a speeded-up film of growing a tree. A head was shooting upward from the ground; limbs were sprouting; a moment later. A man was standing where Scabbers had been cringing and wringing his hands. Crookshanks was spitting and snarling on the bed; the hair on his back was standing up.

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