Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

The wind was quite strong; Harriet rubbed her arms together she cursed under her breath for forgetting her robes; she didn’t know the wind would become this violent. She walked the streets of the Christmas card like village of Hogsmeade. She had just gotten out of Zonko’s and was now planning to head to the Three Broomsticks.

She wasn’t able to buy anything because she thought of how hard it would be to be carrying loads of bags while walking back to Hogwarts while the wind was this violent. As she walked briskly towards the Three Broomsticks, still hugging herself and trying to protect herself from the wind. She saw Hermione and Ron walk past her, Ron seeming to talk to someone she couldn’t see, Harriet ignored him and continued on her way, her destination seeming to be the same with Ron and Hermione.

“Bloody hell I’m freezing.” Harriet said under her breath as she walked even faster, the figures of Ron and Hermione just a few feet from her. Harriet felt her cheeks starting to burn, she looked down at her feet and tried walking even faster but when she did she felt herself bump into someone, the impact being so hard that she fell onto the snow covered ground.

Harriet sat up and looked around to see who she had bumped into; she looked ahead of her and saw Ron and Hermione already entering the Three Broomsticks. Confused Harriet looked around and saw a sneaker by her, kicking trying to get up. A bit bewildered, Harriet looked around to see if the sneaker possessed a body. Surprisingly it didn’t. Harriet then pulled the sneaker and saw that it was attached to a leg.

She felt something wrapped around it so she pulled it off, and there she saw Harry trying to get up from the snow.

“Harry?” she said, her eyebrows rose in confusion. She was still holding the cloak she had pulled off of Harry which was obviously an Invisibility Cloak “What are you doing here? I thought you didn’t get your permission slip signed?”

Harriet extended out her hand to Harry who took it and got up; he brushed himself off and thanked her. Harriet sensed that Harry didn’t want to explain things to her, so she just sighed and handed back the cloak to him, Harry looked a bit surprised.

“Aren’t you… Er… Curious?” he asked, Harriet just smiled

“Of course I am,” she said as she rubbed her arms again, trying to defend herself from the cold “but I think the Invisibility Cloak already explained a lot.”

Harry smiled; he then noticed Harriet didn’t have her cloak with her because she had now started coughing.

“C’mon,” he said as he seemed to spread open the cloak, Harriet raised her eyebrows. “I can see you don’t have a cloak,” Harry explained “C’mon and come with me under mine.”

Harriet laughed

“I think one cloak can’t fit the two of us Harry,” said Harriet,

“Non sense,” said Harry “This cloak can fit Hermione, Ron and I.”

Harriet then sighed and gave in; she walked over beside Harry who then put the cloak over themselves. As the cloak fell over her shoulders, Harriet felt a big difference; the coldness had disappeared. She made a mental note to herself to never forget to bring her cloak again. It wasn’t much of a tight squeeze even if they were two under one cloak, maybe it was because Harriet was quite shorter than Harry.

“Thanks Harry,” Harriet thanked “I owe you one.”

Harry just smiled as a couple of fellow Hogwarts students entered The Three Broomsticks, Harry and Harriet followed closely behind them,

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