Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

So far Harriet enjoyed all her classes, she had very good remarks on all of them. She sometimes wishes she didn’t take Care of Magical Creatures though, the class usually got out of hand at times. Uncle Remus’ classes were very interesting too, he’s been teaching cool things.

Everyone seemed to be loving his lessons actually, well except for Malfoy and his gang

“Look at the state of his robes,” he would whisper when Uncle Remus passes by “he dresses like our old house elf.” And of course, whenever Harriet hears Malfoy and his insults she hexes him, which usually earns her detention.

“Got to stop hexing Malfoy…” Harriet muttered to herself as she sat in the common room, she was doing her Transfiguration essay “Didn’t know balancing could actually be hard….”

As she continued her essay, muttering random things as she did. A burly, what seemed to be seventh year boy went up to the bulletin board and posted something, Harriet ignored him as she wrote the last sentence of her essay, as she was proof reading it,

“No way, the Chaser post is open?” she heard fellow third year Dean Thomas say excitedly. As he did Harriet’s head snapped to where Dean was, he was talking to the burly seventh year by the bulletin board

“Yep,” said the seventh year “Bell isn’t playing.”

Dean’s eyes widened in excitement

“Cool,” he said “can I try out?”

The seventh year shrugged

“Just sign your name,” he said jerking his thumb towards the signup sheet “try outs are tomorrow three pm at the pitch.”

Dean immediately went up to the signup sheet and signed, Harriet grinned. She fixed up her stuff and went up to the bulletin board; Dean was still talking with the burly seventh year. Harriet casually scanned the signup sheet,

Cormac McLaggen

Dean Thomas

Jack Slopper

Andrew Kirke

All boys, hmm, a challenge. Harriet thought,

“Oh hey Harriet,” Harriet snapped out of her reverie and turned to Dean, who was still talking to the seventh year, Harriet smiled “You gonna try out?”

“Yep,” said Harriet “I’ve been playing ever since I was given a broom.”

Dean seemed to narrow his eyes at her, but forced out a smile

“Well good luck then,” he said “the competition’s tough.” He and continued talking to the seventh year who watched as Harriet signed up her name and leave.

“Sexist.” Harriet mumbled as she left.


As soon as classes ended the next day, Harriet raced to her dorm threw her bag on her bed, got some jeans and her favorite/lucky shirt (her dad’s)

“Whoa hold your hippogriffs!” Parvati Patil exclaimed as Harriet accidentally bumped her when she was trying to tie her shoe laces as she hoped on one leg.

“Sorry!” said Harriet as she finally managed to tie her shoe laces, she straightened herself up as she faced the mirror, her sneakers were well and tied, her jeans were faded but passable but her shirt was too big. She flicked her wand so it shrank to fit her just right.

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