Chapter Twenty one

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  • Dedicated to To every single one of you who are supporting this story. Cheers to 10k reads! :

Chapter Twenty one

The next few days were a bit hard on Harriet but she managed to keep a straight face; with the occasional help of some Cheering Charms. Harry had asked her to tag along a couple of times with him, Hermione and Ron to Hagrid’s she didn’t accept of course. She just kept to herself.

She usually only went out of her dorm when she needed to do homework in the library and for Quidditch Practice. Wood was practically going nuts now because the big game was drawing near, the big game against Slytherin. Slytherin Harriet thought, it would mean she would be going against Malfoy. The thought of her seeing Malfoy on the pitch made her want to hit something hard. I don’t know what I feel anymore, she thought to herself.

Harriet sighed as she slammed her book shut, put it in her bag and swung her bag over her shoulder. She headed out of the library and up to her dorm, once she got there she threw her bag onto her bed got changed for Quidditch Practice. Afterwards she grabbed her broom and headed out of the common room once again.

A cool breeze greeted Harriet as she got to the Entrance Hall; she ignored the other people around her and continued walking towards the pitch. She was minding her own business when she heard a familiar voice; she turned around and saw a few feet from her, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Malfoy along with Crabbe and Goyle.

“Did you see the big, fat blubbering oaf?! Oh, this is going to be rich.” Harriet heard Malfoy say to Crabbe and Goyle “Did I tell you, Father said I can keep the head – Ah. Come to see the show?” He seemed to be acknowledging Harry and co. They must be talking about Buckbeak, Harriet thought to herself as she watched from the corner of her eye,

“You… Foul… Loathsome… evil… little cockroach…!”

Malfoy stumbled back against a nearby tree, cross-eyed with fear as Hermione jabbed the tip of her wand under his nose

“Hermione! No!” Ron cried; Hermione turned and looked at Ron, surprised that he talked to her. Ron simply looked away

“He’s not worth it.” Ron said; Hermione nodded. She then looked back at Malfoy


Quick as lightning, Hermione landed a right hook to Malfoy’s jaw, putting him flat on his back. Crabbe, Goyle and even Harry and Ron were stunned

“That felt good.” Said Hermione; Ron and Harry exchange a quick glance and grinned as Malfoy along with his cronies ran off. Malfoy, who had noticed Harriet as he ran off, gave her a quick glance, Harriet knew her eyes had a sorry look on them so she just looked away.

 “Hey Harriet!” Harriet looked up again and saw Ron running up to her with Harry and Hermione, all three of them were laughing “Did you see what Hermione did?”

Harriet gave a weak smile and nodded

“Yeah I did,” she said as the three friends walked along with her. Harry swung his shoulder to his other side so it wouldn’t bump into Harriet’s

“He deserved it,” said Ron “Especially with you know… What he said about you….”

“Yeah that…” Harriet mumbled, feeling a bit awkward “Er.. I’ll see you at the pitch Harry.” She then ran off leaving the trio behind, from a far Harriet heard Hermione hit Ron on the arm and say “Ronald! You shouldn’t have brought that up!”

Harriet just shook her head and laughed to herself.  Ron had been very… supportive for the past few days. “You’ll find better friends than Malfoy.” He would tell Harriet “It’s not like he’s good company. No offense” This would then lead to Hermione scolding him about trying to be sensitive and that Harriet is facing a tough time at the moment.

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