Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Harriet combed her long dark red hair; she was trying to repay it for not combing it during the summer vacation, she had a bad habit of not combing it if she wasn’t going anywhere that and she claims it would get messy anyways because she would play Quidditch

“You look really pretty you know,” Harriet turned around and saw her roommate Lavender Brown, Harriet smiled at her politely

“Thanks,” she said “you don’t look bad yourself.”

“Thanks,” Lavender echoed “I love your hair! It’s just the right shade of red, and it’s so long and wavy. You know what? You might actually be the prettiest girl in our year.”

Harriet just laughed

“That is quite impossible,” she said as she swung her bag over her shoulder “I was never the pretty girl. Well I’ll see you later!” Harriet then headed towards the Great Hall, she took a seat to where her fellow third years were at the Gryffindor table

“Good morning,” she greeted them as she sat across Harry, Ron and Hermione “What’s up with you?” Harriet asked Harry who looked quite annoyed

“It’s Malfoy,” Ron answered for him as Harriet grabbed some food and ate (her legs were in the Indian Sit position she couldn’t help it). Harriet raised her eyebrows, and then Ron pointed towards the Slytherin table where Harriet saw the blonde haired boy that almost wet his pants in her compartment, mock fainting

Harriet looked confused a bit

“Harry er passed out in the train” Ron explained “when a dementor came in our compartment and now Malfoy is taunting him about it.”

Harriet snorted

“Weird, I specifically remember him running into my compartment when the dementors passed by his,” she said “looked like he would wet himself.”

“Really?” Ron and Hermione chorused, Harriet nodded

“Yep,” she said popping the ‘p’

“Blimey, I would give all the gold I have right now just to see Malfoy like that.” Said Ron, Harriet just smiled

“Oh well I’d better eat up,” she said “classes are in a few minutes.”

“What’s your first class?” asked Hermione

“Arithmancy,” she said as she gulped down all her pumpkin juice “You?”

“Divination,” Ron answered for her, Harriet snorted

“You guys take that class?” she asked, eyebrows raised

“Don’t you?” asked Ron, Harriet shook her head

“Nope,” she said “I don’t like spoilers or sneak peeks it’s like ruining a movie as the muggles say it, besides learning those Divining stuff aren’t useful unless you’re a Seer. Well gotta go see you guys later!” She then grabbed her things and headed out the Great Hall

                                        *             *             *

Classes for Harriet had been a breeze that day for her; she was very active in classes even being, able to answer more questions than the smartest girl in their class: Hermione Granger as she was told

“Very good Evans you got it in one try,” said McGonagall in Transfiguration “You’re very bright just like your mother – Why you even got it before Granger who’s top of the class, five points to Gryffindor.” Harriet beamed as she transfigured her turtle back to a cushion; Hermione on the other hand rolled her eyes

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